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Locations and charges at the borough’s pay and display car parks, plus contract passes.
Parks and Recreation Grounds
Details of Tameside’s parks and the facilities they offer.
Partnership Engagement Network (PEN)
The Partnership Engagement Network (PEN) is part of a multi-agency approach to provide the public and our partners with an identified and structured method to influence the work of public services and to proactively feed in issues and ideas. It is facilitated jointly by Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council, NHS Tameside and Glossop Clinical Commissioning Group and Tameside & Glossop Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust.
Details of the council's roads and maintenance programme.
Pay Policy Link to Adobe PDF file
This statement complies with all statutory and legal requirements.
Pay Structure
The council's pay structure.
Online payments for a variety of council services.
Pension Discretions Link to Adobe PDF file
Local Government Pension Scheme Employer Discretions.
Pension Fund Link to External Website
The Greater Manchester Pension Fund administers the Local Government Pension Scheme in Greater Manchester.
Performance Tables
Tameside school league tables.
Personal Data
How to access personal information held by the council.
Pest Control
The council provides a discreet, humane service to get rid of rodents and insects in the home.
Photographic Archive
Browse through our extensive archive of local history photographs.
Frequently asked questions, such as how to apply for planning permission.
Planning Applications
Search the database of planning applications and decisions or make an online application.
Portland Basin Museum
Housed at the junction of three canals, this exciting free attraction houses memorabilia of bygone days including a 1920s street.
Postal Voting
How to apply for a postal vote.
Pot Holes
Report pot holes in the carriageway.

Poverty Strategy
Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment 2011 
The PFRA is a high level screening exercise to determine local flood risk within Tameside 
Press Releases
For the latest press releases or use the electronic form to make a press enquiry.
Prestigious Venues
Tameside Council has a wealth of iconic venues.
Primary Schools
A list of all primary schools in the borough.
Privacy Policy
Tameside Council’s privacy policy.
Private Fostering (Somebody Else’s Child)
Is your child living with another family? Are you looking after someone else’s child? If the answer is yes, it could be a private fostering arrangement.
Private Hire Vehicles
Drivers and owners of Hackney carriage and private-hire vehicles are licensed by the council.
Up-to-date information on the supply and delivery of goods and services.
Properties for Sale or To Let
Council owned properties and land for sale or to let.
Prosecutions Register
All the successful private prosecutions carried out by Tameside Council since January 1, 2002.
Protected Trees
Tree preservation orders plus an interactive database.
Protection of Children
What to do if you are concerned about the welfare of a child.
Protection of Vulnerable Adults
What to do if you suspect an adult is being abused.
Proxy Voting
If you are unable to go to your polling station on election day you can nominate a proxy to vote on your behalf.
Public Halls and Meeting Rooms
Details of town halls and community buildings.
Public Health
Documents for the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) and health and wellbeing.
Public Register of Authorised Processes
Industrial premises authorised and inspected by the council in relation to air pollution emissions.
Public Rights of Way
Public rights of way within Tameside.
Public Toilets
Public toilets within Tameside.
Public Transport Link to External Website
Link to GMPTE's web site detailing timetables for buses, trains and trams. 

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