Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council Homepage
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Play It Live with TMS
A SYMPHONY of musical opportunities are available for young people to join bands and groups in Tameside.
Be Well Tameside to host health and wellbeing stalls across the borough
OVER the next month, Be Well Tameside will be hosting stalls across the borough to give residents a chance to access free health and well-being support and advice.
Tameside swimmer Jess doesn't let asthma hold her back with local support
A TAMESIDE swimmer has shared her story to show how she successfully manages her asthma to regularly swim competitively.
Roadshow to help with Pension Credit Claims
Older people are invited to drop-in support sessions across Tameside to find out if they’re eligible for an estimated £7 million of unclaimed Pension Credit.
Man ordered to pay almost £2k for dumping waste in an alleyway
A MAN has been ordered to pay nearly £2,000 by Tameside magistrates after he was found guilty of flytipping in an alleyway near to his home.