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Transparency in Local Government

Transparency in Local Government

In order to promote openness and transparency, the Government has recommended that all Local Authorities publish a number of key datasets. A list of these datasets including an overview of what they should include is available to view in the Department for Communities and Local government transparency code 2015 - GOV.UK (
Below is an abstract from the Council's main publication scheme, focusing on those data sets listed in the code.

Using our Information and Datasets

The open data we release is licensed under the Open Government License (external website). You are encouraged to use and re-use the data that is available under this license with only a few conditions. Use of material expressly made available under this license (the 'Information') indicates your acceptance of the terms and conditions of the license.
Below is an abstract from the Council's main publication scheme, focusing on those data sets listed in the code.

What we spend and how we spend it

Data set name


Download or link

Expenditure exceeding £500
The files contain the following information:

  • Internal Transaction Number
  • Supplier Details
    Service Area
  • Department
    Description of goods/services
  • Amount (excluding VAT)
    Payment date
  • Merchant category
    Non recoverable VAT (if applicable




The equivalent data for Greater Manchester Pension Fund can be accessed via the following link here

Purchase Orders over £5000
The Council is required to provide information in relation to all purchase order transactions over £5000



Invitations to Tender and Contracts can be found via the link provided.



Current Opportunities



Contracts Register

The Council now maintains its Contract Register via Star Procurement

For contact information please visit
Procurement Home Page at Tameside Council

For GMPF details please see separate link.




Government Procurement Cards


The Council does not use these and therefore has no information to publish.

Payment of undisputed invoices within 30 days – Regulation 113 Public Contract Regulations 2015


Payment of undisputed invoices

Grant payments to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations


Add links currently in transparency current page


Who we are and what we do


Data set name


Download or link



Democracy in Tameside

Organisation Chart (including pay multiple)


Integrated Single Leadership Team for Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council and Tameside and Glossop Clinical Commissioning Group

Pay Policy Statement

  • prepared in line with the requirements in the Localism Act 2011 and approved by Full Council when determining the Budget. It takes effect for the year 2019/20 unless replaced or varied by the full Council.


 Pay Policy statement  

Gender Pay report


Gender Pay Report 


Salaries and Wages information

The payments data is supplemented by the publication of salaries and wages information re the council’s chief officers. 
























Members allowances


Members Allowance Scheme (

Trade Union Facility Time


Trade Union Facility Time (Non teaching TUs)

Trade Union Facility Time (Education trade unions)

List and Registers

Dataset Name



Local Authority Land

The file provided in the attachment contains details of land and buildings owned, occupied, or controlled by the Local Authority.
A full dataset version including the GeoX, GeoY and UPRN derived from Ordnance Survey data can only be released for “using the data to respond to or interact with the Licensor to deliver or support the delivery of the Licensor’s Core Business” due to OS licensing restrictions under a PSMA end user licence.
If you wish to use this data for any other purpose other than supporting the delivery of the Licensor’s Core Business, then you should contact Ordnance Survey via  or telephone 03456 05 05 05 to discuss how they can help you with your requirements
Other Information 



Local Authority Land

Parking Account 


Information on the Council’s parking account can be found here

Parking Spaces 


The number of off street parking spaces by location can be found here


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