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Local Offer

Health and Wellbeing

Please note that this Tameside Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Local Offer website is currently being redesigned and updated. The refreshed version will represent greater co-production and the aim is to ensure that parents/carers and young people with SEND can find the information, guidance and support they need more easily and identify gaps in our provision.

Finding The Right Support


Find Local Services

Find Local Services

Here, you can find local services including: GP, Dentist, Optician, Hospital, Pharmacy, and Flu Vaccination

Right Care Right Place 

Right Care Right Place

Link to Getting the Right Care in the Right Place and 111 advice

Podiatry Services

Podiatry Services

Here, you can find local podiatry services (foot and ankle related health)

Your GP
GP surgeries are usually the first contact if you have a health problem. They can treat many conditions and give health advice. They can also refer you to other NHS services.
Your Pharmacy 
Pharmacists are experts in medicines who can help you with minor health concerns. As qualified healthcare professionals, they can offer clinical advice and over-the-counter medicines for a range of minor illnesses, such as coughs, colds, sore throats, tummy trouble and aches and pains. If symptoms suggest it's something more serious, pharmacists have the right training to make sure you get the help you need. For example they will tell you if you need to see a GP, nurse or other healthcare professional. All pharmacists train for 5 years in the use of medicines. They are also trained in managing minor illnesses and providing health and wellbeing advice. Many pharmacies are open until late and at weekends. You do not need an appointment. Most pharmacies have a private consultation room where you can discuss issues with pharmacy staff without being overheard.
Your Hospital 
You'll usually need a GP referral to access hospital treatment, except in an emergency.

Family hub


SEND Health Navigator 

SEND Health Navigator

Here, you can find SEND health advice or support as well as mental health and emotional wellbeing support.

Mental Health
CAHMS is a children and young people’s mental health service that offer specialist services on a range of mental health issues.
Website: Tameside and Glossop CAMHS :: Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust
Phone: 0161 716 3600
Address: Tameside Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), Springleigh, Waterloo Road, Stalybridge, SK15 2AU.

Ross Care & Millbrook Healthcare are your providers of Wheelchair Assessment & Repairs. You can get in touch for help with wheelchair repairs and maintenance, collection of equipment, wheelchair assessments and fitting appointments.
Ross Care 
0161 344 0482
Ross Care, Tameside Court, Fifth Ave, Dukinfield, SK16 4PW
0161 335 2801
Wheelchair Service, Unit 8, Hyde Point, Dunkirk Lane, Hyde, Cheshire, SK14 4NL.

Equipment and Communication


Adult Community Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Team

Adult Community Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Team

Here, you can find information about the team that can provide rehabilitation support if you require treatment at home do to not being able to access an out-patient facility.

Disabled Living Centre

Disabled Living Centre

Disabled Living is a charity, offering free, impartial information about services for disabled individuals, older people, and those that support them. This includes advice about products and equipment from our specialist Equipz team.

Children’s Continence Service

Children’s Continence Service

The Children’s Continence service team consists of trained nurses and a nursery nurses who are all experienced in children’s continence issues.

ACE centre 

ACE centre

The Ace Centre provide offer assessment, training and information services across England, with a focus on Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) and Assistive Technology (AT), delivered by our multi-disciplinary team of specialist teachers, occupational therapists, speech & language therapists with the support of technical and administrative staff.

Assistive Equipment 

Assistive Equipment

Here, you will find information on how Assistive Technology can provide support for a person with a disability to reach their potential at home, in the community and in the workplace.

Visual Impairment Team 

Visual Impairment Team

Here, you will find information on the Visual Impairment Service. They provide support to pupils in education who have visual impairment and endeavours to equip young people with strategies, skills and knowledge that promote independence in learning and life.

Aids and Assistance 

Aids and Assistance

Here, you will find links to information on Assistance Dogs, Assistive Technology, Specialist Clothing and Foodbanks.

Home adaptations and support agencies 

Home adaptations and support agencies

Here, you will find information, charities and support organisations for parents/carers, children and young people with SEND.

Interpreter Services 

Interpreter Services

Here, you will find information on being able to change our webpages into different languages and how the council can support with providing an interpreter when meeting with our services.



Parent Carer Support

Parenting – The Solihull Approach 

Parenting – The Solihull Approach

Here, you will find information about the Solihull Approach as well as other parenting courses available in Tameside both online and face-to-face.

Parenting in Tameside – ‘Grow With Me’ 

Parenting in Tameside – ‘Grow With Me’

Here, you can find info about the Grow With Me parenting offer as well as antenatal and parenting classes.

SEND Parenting Offer 

SEND Parenting Offer

Here, you can find information about the SEND Parenting offer available in Tameside.

SEND Support Organisations 

SEND Support Organisations

Here, you will find information on SEND Support Organisations, Council Support Services, Support for Children and Young People with SEND and Support for Families.

Support Groups 

Support Groups

Here, you can find support organisations that can provide practical and emotional support for parents and families.

Sending News Subscription 

Sending News Subscription




Here, you will find information on Tameside’s foodbanks and support services that offer more than just food.

Learning Disability and Transforming Care

Adult Learning Disability and SEND

Adult Learning Disability and SEND

Here, you will find information about a range of person centred local services which are designed to support individuals to live happy and fulfilled lives that offer individuals the opportunity to make informed choices and have greater control over their lives and become active citizens within their communities.

Annual Health Checks 14-25

Annual health checks are a really good way for 14-18 year olds to get to know their GP and familiarise themselves with the GP surgery to allay any fears, making it more likely that you will attend when something is wrong in the future. It's a great opportunity to ensure that you're on your GP's Learning Disability register and that your GP gets all the information that they need from your school nurse and /or paediatrician to support you into adulthood.
You need to know that from the age of 18, your GP will be responsible for your care instead of your Paediatric Consultant.
Annual health checks can also prevent unplanned hospital admissions by picking up conditions early, a typical annual health check will find between 2-5 conditions which in turn can reduce pain and challenging behaviour and improve your health and quality of life. So don't miss out, get checked out. 
At your annual health check your GP will:
  • Review your medication.
  • Ask you general questions about your health.
  • Take your blood pressure.
  • Weight and measure your height.
  • Check your ears for wax
  • Make sure you are up to date with cancers screenings
  • Take a blood and urine sample.

Transforming Care

Transforming Care

Here, you will find information about the national NHS England led programme to support more people with learning disabilities and/or autism to live in the community, with the right support, close to home and have the same opportunities as anyone else.

Personal Health Budgets 

Personal Health Budgets

Here, you will find information about personal budgets as well as how to apply of a personal budget

Continuing Care 

Continuing Care

Here, you will find information about continuing care packages and who this is offered to.


Eating Well



Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders

If you, or someone you know, is struggling with an eating disorder, there’s help out there for you.

Food and Nutrition

Food and Nutrition

A healthy diet promotes and supports our physical and mental health and helps us to reach our potential. You can find out more about healthy eating, browse local services and find food banks and community pantries here:

Healthy Start

Healthy Start

The Healthy Start scheme provides vouchers to support pregnant women, or those with children aged under 4. Healthy Start families will get money added onto their Healthy Start Digital Payment Card every four weeks to spend on certain food and milk.


Lifestyle and Exercise



While it’s possible to enjoy alcohol occasionally, it is also easy to consume more than the recommended amount of alcohol. To find out more about how alcohol affects our health, and for help on how to cut down

Being Active

Being Active

There are lots of ways to increase physical activity in our day to be healthier, increase energy levels, and boost our fitness. You can find lots of information on getting active here



Our everyday habits have a huge impact on our health. Having a healthier lifestyle can reduce our risk of health problems and make us feel better. You can find lots of information on having a healthy lifestyle here



The NHS support families and children to look at their own food and health needs and provide them with the knowledge and skills to eat well and feel great.

Sleep Support

Sleep Support

Sleep can help us stay healthy, improve our mood and is super important when it comes to learning. Find out why sleep is so important and how to improve sleep here



Health Services and Advice




Healthwatch helps people who use health and social care services to have their voice heard. Their purpose is to understand the needs, experiences and concerns or people who use health and social care services, and to speak out on their behalf. You can find out more and get in touch here

Aids and Assistance

Aids and Assistance

Here, you can find out about the different types of assistance available. This includes: Assistant Dogs, Assistive Technology, Specialist Clothing, and Foodbanks.



You can find the latest Coronavirus and vaccination information here

Sexual Health

Sexual Health

Here, you can find out about different types of contraception, what to do if you’ve had unprotected sex, browse your local sexual health clinics, and get free sexual health advice.

HIV Support

HIV Support

George House Trust work with people who have HIV and inspire them to live confident and healthy lives. Contact 0161 274 4499 or email if you have HIV and need advice and support.

Oral Health

Oral Health

Caring for your mouth and maintaining good oral health at every stage of life is important. Find out how you can maintain good oral health here

Continuing Care

Continuing Care

You, or your child, may be eligible for a continuing care package. This is offered when a child or young person under 18 years has needs from a disability, accident, or illness that cannot be met by mainstream services. Find out more here



Children’s Orthoptics and Optometry provide a vision testing service for all ages, and for a wide variety of conditions within Tameside and Glossop.


Children with Disabilities Team (CWD) NHS

Children with Disabilities Team (CWD) is a community service that works from a range of sites across Tameside and Glossop. They offer assessments and treatment in a variety of places work closely with families and other professionals to support young people to achieve their potential in all aspects of their life. Through this page there are many other links on what to do first as well as communications groups.

GROW in Tameside 

GROW in Tameside

Grow is here to help and support you with your journey, offering the most up to date advice from local Health Visitors, Midwives and Early Years workers

Early Attachment Service

Early Attachment Service


Infant Feeding Team 

Infant Feeding Team

This is a service that works in partnership with Home Start Breastfeeding Support, to provide information and support to local families, to enable them to breastfeed successfully.



Here, you can find out about how the team provide a full assessment, diagnostic, and rehabilitation service for adults and children with hearing difficulties.

Wheelchair Assessment and Maintenance Providers 

Wheelchair Assessment and Maintenance Providers




Here, you can find information on dental care for people with special needs.



Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health

Many children and young people experience emotional and behavioural problems from time to time. They may be stressed about exams, unhappy about friendship problems, confused about changes to their body, anxious about the future. They may experience worries and sadness.
If you’re looking for more help for a young person you know personally, there are plenty of options available. Whilst they may need a specialist mental health service such as CAMHS, the majority of worries and issues can be dealt with at home or with the support of other organisations in your area. Remember that you’re not alone and even just listening to the young person can really help them.
There is a difference between feeling worried and anxious from time to time and having a serious emotional health problem. If your child's difficulties are not improving over time, or if the problems are having a significant impact on him or her, then it may be the time to get more professional help.
Any professional working with children and young people can help. If your child's problems seem centred around school, then approaching a teacher or pastoral care staff member at school would be the best place to start.
Your GP is also well placed to discuss your concerns with you and direct you to local support, and there is a range of drop in sessions that you can attend too.
If your child has more significant problems or if the problems are not getting better, then a referral to a more specialist service may be the next step.  If you or someone you know is in need of additional help, there are services in Tameside that can help.


Support for Children and Young People 

Support for Children and Young People


Support for Adolescents aged 16-24 

Support for Adolescents aged 16-24


Support with Building Your Relationship with Your Baby or Young Child

Support with Building Your Relationship with Your Baby or Young Child

Tameside and Glossop Early Attachment Service (EAS) is run by Pennine Care and Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust. We can work with you during pregnancy, or with you and your baby/child under five.

Bereavement Support

Bereavement Support

If you’ve been bereaved and need support or advice, call the Greater Manchester Bereavement Service on 0161 983 0902 or visit:

Mental Health and Wellbeing in Tameside

Mental Health and Wellbeing in Tameside

Here, you will find information about mental health services or information about how you can look after your own mental health and wellbeing.

Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing 

Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing

Here, you will find information about living with good mental health and the 5 ways to wellbeing to help promote your wellbeing.