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Past Consultations 2020

The Big Conversation

Local Consultations


Lead Organisation


Start Date

Closing Date

Inclusive Growth Strategy Consultation

Tameside Council

Tameside Council reviewed its Inclusive Growth Strategy, a guiding document that sets out how the borough will ensure that the quality of life, health and happiness of our people is improved, by good employment, with greater security and better pay. It also states how the Council will support improved productivity which will benefit local businesses, and how it will effect proactive public service reform in a thriving, varied, inclusive economy.  You can view the draft document here.



Tameside Citizen Feedback Survey

Tameside Council

The Citizen is Tameside Council’s free magazine distributed to more than 100,000 households and businesses in Tameside three times a year. It provides important information for residents, including the latest news on council services and community developments, health guidance and advice, and a What’s On guide for upcoming entertainment and events.
Tameside Council want the magazine to help residents, especially those without online access, to feel involved and informed in the council’s work and support services available as well as what’s happening around the borough.  The Council gathered feedback from residents and readers in order to improve and review the magazine.

This survey has closed – when the results have been analysed an update will be provided here.



COVID-19 survey

Healthwatch Tameside

Due to the outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19), we were all asked to ‘Stay at Home, Protect the NHS, and Save Lives’. Healthwatch Tameside ran a short survey to help them to understand and gather information about what people in Tameside thought could make the situation easier to live with. You can view the interim report of the survey responses here.



Healthwatch Tameside General survey 2020

Healthwatch Tameside

Healthwatch Tameside asked local people about their experiences of health and care services in Tameside. The questionnaire asks what services respondents have used in the past year, as well as what was good and what could be improved about these services. The annual report from Healthwatch Tameside contains an overview of these findings, and can be viewed here.



Healthwatch Tameside Young people’s health & care Survey 2020

Healthwatch Tameside

Healthwatch Tameside wanted to find out what young people in Tameside thought about health and care services they have used during the past 12 months. The questionnaire asked respondents about which services they had used in the past year, their views on service quality, and what changes could be made. The findings were then combined with other information on how well local services performed to produce a report on the subject.  This report can be viewed here.



Budget Conversation 2021-22

Tameside & Glossop Strategic Commission

Tameside Council (TMBC) and NHS Tameside and Glossop Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) together form the Tameside and Glossop Strategic Commission. We are responsible for a range of services from bin collections through care for the elderly to the provision of GP surgeries.
Both Tameside Council and NHS Tameside and Glossop Clinical Commissioning Group have to set a balanced budget for 2021/22.The coronavirus pandemic resulted in significant financial challenges for the Strategic Commission, which now need to be addressed as part of our budget setting process.

To prepare a balanced budget a number of considerations have to be taken into account.  The organisation engaged with local people and organisations to help understand the priorities of people who live, work and spend time in the area. Part of this engagement process included conducting an online survey.  A report on the outcomes of this survey can be viewed here.



Improving Access to Primary Care in Tameside & Glossop

Tameside & Glossop Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

We need to make sure that we offer alternative ways for people to see their GP/Doctor/other healthcare professionals to meet the different need and requirements of people in Tameside and Glossop. This will ensure that local people are given as much choice as possible to access healthcare.  Examples of other ways to access your GP/Doctor/other healthcare professional include online appointments/telephone appointments and video consultations.

Tameside & Glossop Clinical Commissioning Group conducted a survey to find out what patients registered with a GP/Doctor’s surgery in Tameside and Glossop think of the alternative ways of seeing their GP/Doctor/other healthcare professional. You can view the outcomes of the survey here.



SEND Service Questionnaire

Tameside SEND

In Tameside, we are looking to further develop how we deliver support for children and young people with special educational needs and /or disabilities (SEND) for 0-25 years in the future. We want to make sure that families get the best possible outcomes for children, that you need only tell their story once and that the support you need happens in the right place, at the right time.
Therefore, Tameside Council conducted a survey to hear peoples lived experience of support for their child or young person’s special educational needs and disabilities, the level of support they received, and what is important for them and their family for the future.



Creating quieter and safer residential streets to support walking and cycling

Tameside Council

Tameside Council conducted a survey to gather residents’ views on new schemes to create safer routes for walking and cycling. The first two schemes to be trialled in Tameside are at Currier Lane in Ashton, and Stamford Drive in Stalybridge. This survey was in addition to direct engagement with residents living adjacent to the schemes.  You can view the outcomes of the survey on this page.



Tameside Council Statement of Community Involvement 2020 Update

Tameside Council

The Statement of Community Involvement sets out how Tameside Council will involve the local community, stakeholders and other organisations in preparing and revising local planning documents and making decisions on planning applications.
The previous SCI was adopted in 2016 and needed to be updated to reflect changes to planning legislations, policy and guidance, in addition to measures implemented to combat Covid-19. An updated SCI was drafted by the Council, and a survey launched to seek feedback on the drafted document. The outcomes of this survey can be viewed here.



Reopening the High Street Safely


Tameside Council received funding by the government to enable high streets and the local economy to reopen safely during the COVID-19 pandemic.  The funding was allocated to allow the authority to put in place additional measures to establish a safe trading environment for businesses and customers, particularly in high streets in our towns.   

Tameside Council gathered the views and feedback of residents on what measures can be taken in our town centres to ensure they are a safe and attractive environment for residents, customers and businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic.  The outcomes of the survey conducted can be viewed here.



Impact of Covid-19 and Building Back Better Survey

Tameside & Glossop Partnership Engagement Network (Tameside Council, Tameside & Glossop CCG and Tameside & Glossop ICFT)

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed all of our lives in some way.  Tameside & Glossop Partnership Engagement Network wanted to understand how the pandemic impacted the lives of people who live, work or spend time in Tameside & Glossop. The network also wanted to gather views on how we can better live with, and recover from, COVID-19. 

To gather these views, Tameside & Glossop PEN conducted an online survey.  The survey ran alongside a series of virtual Partnership Engagement Network (PEN) engagement sessions.  Each session covered a distinct topic surrounding COVID-19 and our recovery. These topics were:
•             How do we get services back open safely?
•             What have been the impacts on the most vulnerable?
•             Living with Covid-19 and preventing further outbreaks
•             How do we do things differently in the future?

Feedback gathered through the survey and virtual engagement sessions was used to produce a report.  This report can be viewed here.  



Tameside & Glossop Young People Wellbeing Survey  


Worth-it, in partnership with both Tameside and Glossop NHS Clinical Commissioning Group and Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council, sought the views of young people to help shape the development of community support to effectively meet the needs of local children and young people. They conducted a brief survey to capture young peoples’ thoughts on wellbeing and what an ideal emotional wellbeing service for young people would look like in Tameside & Glossop.

This survey has closed – when the results have been analysed an update will be provided here.



Save the Children Emergency Response Pack Consultation

Tameside Youth Council / Save the Children

Tameside Youth Council, on behalf of Save the Children, undertook a consultation in order to understand what an Emergency Response Pack designed to help children’s learning would look like. Save The Children have an emergency response fund that was previously set up to support families in need, with the packs aimed at low-income families or families in crisis and designed to support children's learning. They were keen to understand what essential items should be included in the pack to enable young people to maintain their studies, as well as which other things are needed to support the health and wellbeing of young people in a time of crisis.

This survey has closed – when the results have been analysed an update will be provided here.



New walking & cycling measures to allow safe social distancing

Tameside Council

As Covid-19 social restrictions from the UK Government eased following the first lockdown, we were required to make changes to ensure all our residents are kept safe when out and about in Tameside.
Changes to roads and pavements were essential to support the local economy as people gradually returned to work in 2020.  We conducted a survey to hear local residents’ views on the proposed changes to roads and pavements in the borough.  You can view the outcome of this survey here.  



Appointee and Deputyship Consultation

Tameside Council

Tameside Council sought views on proposals to revise the Policy regarding the Appointee and Deputyship Service. An Appointee is the term given to a person or authority appointed by the Secretary of State for the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) to act on behalf of a benefit claimant who is unable to manage their financial affairs.

Deputy is the term given to a person or authority appointed by the Court of Protection where there is an ongoing need for decisions to be made on behalf of a person who lacks capacity to make such decisions on their own. The consultation asked for views on the way the service is charged, how capital is kept and the overall policy.



Council Off-Street Parking Review

Tameside Council

Council off-street parking is an important service provided by the Council.  In early 2020 the Council reviewed the offer to ensure it is fit for purpose; is fair and equitable for all; and meets the needs of a range of users and interested parties.  The review also ensured the approach to council off-street parking supports wider plans for Tameside in areas such as the economy and environment; and is both viable and sustainable for the long term.

To inform this review, Tameside Council conducted a survey to the hear thoughts and views of local people on the current council off-street parking provision.

This survey has closed – when the results have been analysed an update will be provided here.



Future of Health and Care in Hattersley

NHS Tameside & Glossop CCG

NHS Tameside & Glossop CCG want to make sure that health and care services in Hattersley are fit for the future – which may involve reviewing our current building and location.  The CCG conducted a survey to gather the views of local people on the future of health and care services in Hattersley.

This survey has closed – when the results have been analysed an update will be provided here.



Hyde Town Centre Consultation

Tameside Council

Tameside Council was successful in winning £100K funding from the inaugural One Public Estate/ British Property Federation bidding round. The bid was designed around a vision that Hyde can be a thriving town centre with increased footfall that is a focal point for its community, serving the existing large residential catchment area whilst also capitalising on the substantial new residential properties being built around the town centre and the new jobs this will create.  The bid has already raised the profile of Hyde and the grant funding will provide an opportunity to kick start work to achieve the Hyde vision. 

We conducted a survey to gather the views, ideas and suggestions of local people about the future of Hyde Town Centre. 

This survey has closed – when the results have been analysed an update will be provided here.



Bee Network Schemes in Tameside

Tameside Council

Tameside Council want to create a genuine culture of walking and cycling in the borough.  The Council developed a number of proposed schemes to improve walking and cycling infrastructure in Tameside.  A survey for each of the schemes was conducted to gather the views of residents on the proposals. You can view the outcomes from these surveys here.



Tameside Sexual Health Services Survey

Tameside  Council

Tameside Council wanted to understand the sexual health needs of our residents. Some people may not be able to access the sexual health services they need. The Council conducted a survey to gather the views of residents and help us to improve services.



Future of PEN survey

Tameside Council, Tameside & Glossop Clinical Commissioning Group and Tameside & Glossop ICFT

The Partnership Engagement Network (PEN) was jointly established in 2017, aiming to engage public, patients and other stakeholders in ongoing conversations and provide a structure for them to influence decision making.  

To ensure that PEN remains useful and valuable to the public, patients and partners in Tameside & Glossop, we conducted a survey that sought PEN members’ thoughts on what they like about PEN and how it can be developed PEN further.

This survey has closed – when the results have been analysed an update will be provided here.



Home Care Survey

Healthwatch Tameside

Healthwatch Tameside held a range of surveys to find out about social care that people have received in the past 12 months. This survey focussed on care that has been provided by a paid carer of member of the family or a friend or neighbour.

This survey has closed – when the results have been analysed an update will be provided here.



Residential Care Survey

Healthwatch Tameside

Healthwatch Tameside held a range of surveys looking to find out about social care that people have received in the past 12 months. This survey focussed on any residential care that a person may have received. This could be for a short time (maybe after a stay in hospital) or for a longer period of time.

This survey has closed – when the results have been analysed an update will be provided here.



Carers and Relatives Survey

Healthwatch Tameside

Healthwatch Tameside held a range of surveys looking to find out about social care that people have received in the past 12 months. This survey asked for people’s experience as a carer.

This survey has closed – when the results have been analysed an update will be provided here.



Budget Conversation 2020/21

Tameside Council (TMBC) and NHS Tameside and Glossop Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

Tameside Council (TMBC) and NHS Tameside and Glossop Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) have come together to form the Tameside and Glossop Strategic Commission. We are responsible for a range of services from bin collections through care for the elderly to the provision of GP surgeries. AS part of the budget setting process, we conducted a survey to gather the views of local people on their spending priorities for 2020/21 and any ideas or suggestions for how we might deliver services more efficiently, save money or raise revenue. You can view a report of the outcomes of this survey and wider engagement here.




Regional Consultations


Lead Organisation


Start Date

Closing Date

Employment during the Coronavirus pandemic for people with lived experience of disability and long-term conditions

North West Disabled People’s Stakeholder Group

The North West Disabled Peoples Stakeholder Group are a network recruited by the Governments Disability Unit and they would like to raise with the Disability Minister issues that are affecting disabled people in employment during the pandemic. Complete their short and confidential survey to give your views. 



Contraception Services in Greater Manchester Survey

Greater Manchester Councils

The 10 local authorities of Greater Manchester (GM) developed a survey to find out how COVID-19 has impacted GM residents’ access to contraception. The findings of this survey will help shape future contraceptive provision in GM.

This survey has closed – when the results have been analysed an update will be provided here.



Young Person’s Contraceptive Survey

Greater Manchester Councils

The 10 local authorities of Greater Manchester (GM) developed a survey to find out what the contraceptive needs of young people are and how COVID-19 may have impacted them. The findings of the survey will be used to help shape future contraceptive services for young people.

This survey has closed – when the results have been analysed an update will be provided here.



Greater Manchester Clean Air Plan


Greater Manchester needs to take action to improve air quality now and for future generations. Air pollution is linked to a range of serious health conditions and contributes to early deaths.
Government has directed us to introduce a Greater Manchester-wide Clean Air Zone. It will bring harmful nitrogen dioxide (NO₂) levels on local roads within legal limits in as short a time as possible.
GMCA / TfGM consulted on key elements of the proposals, including the proposed Clean Air Zone boundary, daily charges for non-compliant vehicles, discounts and exemptions, and support funding.
You can view more details about the consultation and outcomes via the virtual engagement space here.



Greater Manchester Minimum Licensing Standards


GMCA / TfGM want to see taxi and private hire services in Greater Manchester deliver a safer, high-quality experience for everyone, every time, using vehicles that meet high environmental standards.
Greater Manchester’s 10 local councils, supported by Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM), have worked to develop a proposed set of common, minimum standards for services licensed in Greater Manchester.  A consultation on these proposed standards was conducted across GM.
You can view more details about the consultation and the outcomes via the virtual engagement space here.



Living with Covid GM resident survey


GMCA ran a survey to understand the impact of the pandemic on our residents, and gather insight on what can be done to inform and support them.

This survey has closed – when the results have been analysed an update will be provided here.



Metrolink Ticketing Survey


The way we use public transport has changed as a result of coronavirus, and TfGM are interested to see how it may have changed the way customers think about Metrolink. TfGM conducted a survey to gather feedback on the types of tickets they offer, and how people want to buy them.

This survey has closed – when the results have been analysed an update will be provided here.



City Centre Transport Strategy Consultation

Manchester City Council

Since 2018 there have been many discussions with city centre residents, commuters, businesses and interest groups to learn how they want to travel into and around the centre of Greater Manchester, and how they would shape the next phase of improvements to roads, rail, tram, bus, bike, pedestrian and public spaces.
The proposed strategy reflects the strongest calls from these discussions, including those for more space for pedestrians and bikes, and cleaner, greener more sustainable travel options. Manchester City Council ran a consultation to make sure that the proposed strategy for city centre travel is right for local people.

This survey has closed – when the results have been analysed an update will be provided here.



Greater Manchester’s Big Mental Wellbeing Conversation


Greater Manchester’s Big Mental Wellbeing Conversation was run by the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership and the Independent Mental Health Network. The Independent Mental Health Network is a membership-led organisation that represents a diverse community of past, current and future users of mental health services, as well as those with lived experience of mental health problems.

This survey has closed – when the results have been analysed an update will be provided here.



Greater Manchester State of the VCSE Sector Evaluation 2020

10GM/University of Salford

10GM, a joint venture to support the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector in the 10 boroughs of Greater Manchester, led a piece of research to gain a picture of the state of the VCSE sector across the city region. The research took the form of a survey, which focussed on issues such as the number of volunteers and employees organisations, income, and sources of funding and partnerships.

This survey has closed – when the results have been analysed an update will be provided here.



Developing a Race Equality Panel for Greater Manchester

Greater Manchester Combined Authority

In July 2019, the Mayor of Greater Manchester announced plans to establish race equality and faith advisory panels, and a programme of listening exercises subsequently took place to develop the panels. Engagement sessions were held with Greater Manchester’s strategic, district and community leaders in race equality. The learnings from these sessions were used to inform proposals, which were due to be submitted to the Mayor and Greater Manchester’s lead for equalities when Covid-19 hit.
This survey was part of the listening exercise and sought to understand: The issues a panel should address
The purpose of the panel, e.g. its mission, aims and objectives
The role of the independent chair
The roles and responsibilities of panel members
The outcome of the survey can be found here.



The IGNITION Project: How do you use your parks?

The IGNITION Project

The IGNITION project brings together 12 partners from across Greater Manchester who aim to create a greener, healthier and more climate resilient future for us all. The aim of the project is to research innovative ideas about how public parks and greenspaces can be uplifted across Greater Manchester (GM).

GM has, in total, over 450 public parks and greenspaces. These spaces should be free and accessible for all Greater Manchester citizens to keep everyone happy and healthy and to protect the natural environment.

The IGNITION project ran a brief survey to enable them to understand how residents use their public parks and greenspaces and why they are important.

This survey has closed – when the results have been analysed an update will be provided here.



Greater Moments COVID -19

Greater Moments

Greater Moments conducted a short survey in order to help them to assess how people with dementia are feeling and responding during Covid-19. The responses gathered will help to inform Greater Moments of what is working well and any possible areas of support Greater Manchester services can improve on. 

This survey has closed – when the results have been analysed an update will be provided here.



Manchester Pride Online Consultation

Manchester Pride

Manchester Pride has set out a new three-year vision and wanted to hear the views of as much of the LGBTQ+ community as possible.   The survey covered all things Manchester Pride and will be an invaluable tool in helping them to develop all of their programmes to better represent and support the LGBTQ+ community.

This survey has closed – when the results have been analysed an update will be provided here.



Greater Manchester, Ethnic Minority Experiences of Caring: Your Voice Matters.

Wraparound Partnership / Greater Manchester Health & Social Care Partnership

The Wraparound Partnership are carrying out a survey on carers (including parent/carer) from ethnic minority communities and their experiences and views of caring.
As part of Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnerships commitment to the Carers Programme, Wraparound Partnership have been awarded funding from NHS England Carers Programme to listen to, and learn from, the experiences of carers from ethnic minority communities.

The outcomes from this survey will help shape the future direction of the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Carers Programme, and the more voices and experiences shared the better the Carers Programme can deliver in the future.

This survey has closed – when the results have been analysed an update will be provided here.



Future Travel Survey

Transport for Greater Manchester

Transport for Greater Manchester are carrying out a survey to find out your views on future travel in Manchester. Coronavirus has affected all our lives, from how we work and shop to how we travel.  Getting the future transport network right will be central to getting more and more of Greater Manchester moving again. To get this right we need to know what you think and need. That is why Transport for Greater Manchester are asking you to fill out this survey in order to know what you think. It doesn’t matter how you plan to travel; whether you walk, cycle, take public transport, or drive – all your views are important and will help shape their plans.



COVID-19 in the Caribbean and African Community


The GMCA are hosting this survey on the impact of Covid-19 on behalf of the Caribbean and African Health Network (CAHN), an organisation that seeks to work with Caribbean and African communities.  This survey has been developed to gather anonymous information that will enable CAHN to gain a better insight into the impact of COVID-19 on the Caribbean and African community in Greater Manchester.

This survey has closed – when the results have been analysed an update will be provided here.



LGBT People: Share How Coronavirus Has Affected You

LGBT Foundation

The LGBT Foundation are carrying out a survey to help identify how LGBT+ communities in the UK are being affected by the current Coronavirus outbreak. Your feedback will help to shape the support that is being provided by the LGBT Foundation.



Greater Manchester Big Disability Survey - Covid 19 Special /Greater Manchester Big Disability Survey about Covid 19 - Easy Version


This survey aims to find out what issues disabled people face during the Covid-19/Coronavirus Pandemic. The evidence this survey provides will inform GM services about support needs and how to improve responses to the pandemic. In addition to access and support questions it also have includes demographic questions to better gather information of how different communities are experiencing the impact of the Pandemic. By Disabled People this can mean anyone facing disabling societal barriers due to their impairments or conditions and this includes mental health, hearing or visual impairments, learning disability, neurodiverse people, and those with chronic illness or fatigue. Please note that there are two versions of this survey available.



Physical Activity in Covid-19

Greater Sport

Greater Sport is looking to understand more about how attitudes and behaviours towards physical activity have changed in Greater Manchester as a result of Covid-19. Through this research they are hoping to further understand how they can continue to support people to be active through these attitudinal and behavioural changes.

This survey has closed – when the results have been analysed an update will be provided here.



Understanding the impact of Covid-19 on food banks, clubs, pantries and other food providers


The Coronavirus is having a huge impact across Greater Manchester and in particular Greater Manchester’s Poverty Action Network.
The public and private sectors, and community, voluntary, social enterprise and faith organisations are thinking about how they maintain and adapt services to response to emerging needs. 
GMPA is gathering intelligence from across the city-region to understand the impact of Coronavirus on service delivery and responses to poverty. This survey is for those in charge of food banks, clubs, pantries and other providers of hot meals. It includes specific questions about the impact of the virus on stock and volunteer and client numbers, and will take less than 10 minutes to complete.

This survey has closed – when the results have been analysed an update will be provided here.



Understanding the impact of the Coronavirus on voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations (VCSE)


The Coronavirus (also known as the COVID-19) is having a huge impact across Greater Manchester, and in particular Greater Manchester Poverty Action’s (GMPA) network
The public and private sectors, and community, voluntary, social enterprise and faith organisations are thinking about how they maintain and adapt services to response to emerging needs. GMPA is gathering intelligence from across the city-region to understand the impact of Coronavirus on service delivery and responses to poverty. This survey is for voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations whose work supports people in ways other than through food provision (there is a separate survey for food banks and other food providers), and will take less than 10 minutes to complete.

This survey has closed – when the results have been analysed an update will be provided here.



Manchester’s Gay Village – What it means to those who use it


Manchester City Council has commissioned a review of Manchester’s Gay Village to fully understand what the area means to local people, visitors and businesses, and to inform how the Gay Village can be protected and enhanced in the future. Hatch, an independent Manchester-based socio-economic consultancy, has been commissioned to consult and engage with local people, businesses and organisations in the coming months. Listening and gathering views to understand what is important for the local community, how the local environment could be improved, and what opportunities there might be to enhance the area.

This survey has closed – when the results have been analysed an update will be provided here.



Police Funding 2020/21


Funding for the police comes both directly from a central Government grant and also from the police precept element of council tax. About 20% of the funding for Greater Manchester Police comes from that police precept, one of the lowest proportions in the country. GMCA are therefore consulting on whether the public agree, in principle, with an additional charge of up to an extra £2 per month for the average band D household to ensure that police officers are able to continue to tackle crime.



The Ignition Project


The Ignition Project brings together 12 partners from Greater Manchester’s local government, universities, non-governmental organisations and businesses. It aims to address the emergency cause by climate change. They are investigating how they can fund the delivery of more nature based projects that will help make us less vulnerable to climate change.
They aim to achieve a 10% increase in the city’s coverage of plants and trees by 2038. They would like to hear from everyone who lives or works in Greater Manchester on this



Doing Buses Differently – proposed franchising scheme For Greater Manchester


Greater Manchester is consulting on a proposed bus franchising scheme. This would mean bus services would be under Greater Manchester’s control and they would decide which bus services would be provided, like the way buses are run in London and other major cities. GM would set the routes, timetables, tickets and standards, while bus operators would run the services. You can share your views on the proposals by following the link.



LGBT Foundation Trans and Non-Binary People Affected by Cancer

LGBT Foundation

LGBT Foundation is currently looking to inform healthcare professionals on how they can best support trans and non-binary people affected by cancer. They want to hear experiences of those who received such care in order to understand where improvements can be made.




National Consultations


Lead Organisation


Start Date

Closing Date

Integrating Care for Trans Adults

Open University, LGBT Foundation and Yorkshire MESMAC

This survey is being undertaken by researchers from the Open University, the LGBT Foundation and Yorkshire MESMAC as part of a larger study. In this study we are looking at how different services can work together to support trans people better. These services include gender identity services but could also include GP services, other health services, mental health services and support provided by the voluntary sector. You can participate if you are over 18, if your gender does not correspond with the gender you were assigned at birth and if you currently live in the UK. To find out more, you can visit this link.



Covid-19 and Maternity Services in the UK

The Fatherhood Institute

The Fatherhood Institute would like to know how services have been managing fathers’/ partners’ roles in supporting mothers through their perinatal journey, and how families have coped (and/or are coping) with the restrictions. Expectant and new parents are invited to respond, as well as those who work for NHS maternity services.



Healthy Start Vouchers

NHS Business Services Authority

The NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) would like to hear about your experience of applying for, and using, the Healthy Start scheme. Your feedback will allow us to review and shape the future of Healthy Start.

It will take around ten minutes to complete the survey. Please do not include any personal or identifiable information. All the information you provide will be treated as strictly confidential and individuals will not be identifiable in any report we write.



LGBT Sport & Physical Activity Group Coronavirus Impact Survey

Pride Sports

With this survey Pride Sports would like to get an idea of how the coronavirus lockdown has affected LGBT+ sports clubs, not just in terms of providing sports and physical activity, but also other aspects such as social events and the governance of clubs.

This survey has closed – when the results have been analysed an update will be provided here.



A57 Link Roads Consultation

Highways England

The A57 Link Roads project was formerly known as the “Trans-Pennine Upgrade”, and is referred to as the “Mottram Moor Link Road and A57 Link Road project” in the Government’s second Roads Investment Strategy. Highways England have launched a consultation on the A57 Link Roads project and want to hear your views on the updated design of the proposed road.
You can access the consultation and supporting documents by clicking here.
This survey has closed – when the results have been analysed an update will be provided here.



Independent Faith Engagement Review: call for evidence

Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government

Colin Bloom has been appointed as the Faith Engagement Adviser at the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) to lead a review into how best the government should engage with faith groups in England.
This call for evidence will pose a series of questions around how those of all faiths, or none, perceive the government’s engagement with faith organisations. Because the review is specifically about faith and religion, priority will be given to responses that fit within those parameters. However, space is given for respondents to share their views in a way that they feel is appropriate.

This survey has closed – when the results have been analysed an update will be provided here.



Raising accessibility standards for new homes


This consultation considers how to raise accessibility standards, recognising the importance of suitable homes for older and disabled people.
In particular, it considers how the existing optional accessible and adaptable standard for homes and the wheelchair user standard are used and whether government should mandate a higher standard or reconsider the way the existing optional standards are used.

This survey has closed – when the results have been analysed an update will be provided here.



Improving health and wellbeing support for armed forces families in England

NHS England

The NHS in England provides healthcare services for families of serving personnel (regular and reserve) who have registered with an NHS GP practice and the families of veterans. Whilst most armed forces families enjoy healthy lives, the unique circumstances of military life can cause pressure for some, and affect an individual’s health and wellbeing. NHS England want to help change this, so armed forces families are able to access local NHS services easily in all parts of England. They also want to ensure that they can get care and support from clinicians and people who understand their health and wellbeing needs. This questionnaire is an opportunity for people and organisations to share their views on how they can do this. 

This survey has closed – when the results have been analysed an update will be provided here.



Managing Pavement Parking

Department for Transport

Consultation asking whether a change of existing pavement parking legislation should occur. The Department for Transport are proposing 3 options:

  • Improving the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) process, under which local authorities can already prohibit pavement parking.
  • A legislative change to allow local authorities with civil parking enforcement powers to enforce against ‘unnecessary obstruction of the pavement’.

A legislative change to introduce a London-style pavement parking prohibition throughout England.

This survey has closed – when the results have been analysed an update will be provided here.



Ethnic disparities and inequality in the UK: call for evidence

Commission on Race & Ethnic Disparities

We have been asked by the government to review ethnic disparities and inequality in the UK, focusing on 4 areas. We are looking at outcomes across the whole population.
We are particularly keen to hear from:

  • the public and local communities
  • public, private and third sector organisations
  • researchers and academics

Responses are welcome from

  • the public and local communities
  • public, private and third sector organisations
  • researchers and academics
  • others who wish to share their views



Planning for the future


The Planning for the future consultation proposes reforms of the planning system to streamline and modernise the planning process, bring a new focus to design and sustainability, improve the system of developer contributions to infrastructure, and ensure more land is available for development where it is needed.

This survey has closed – when the results have been analysed an update will be provided here.



National Health Data Consent Survey

The CLIMB Project

The CLIMB Project is a Cambridge-based team funded by the UK Medical Research Council working to improve mental and physical care and research using health data. They are conducting a national survey in order to gather patient and public opinion on sharing NHS and HSC (Northern Ireland) health data across the UK. They are seeking your views on issues such as who you would be willing to share your data with, ideas on what a health data consent form might look like, and your current understanding of health data sharing, amongst other issues.
This survey has closed – when the results have been analysed an update will be provided here.



Fire Safety


The Ministry for Housing, Communities & Local Government are seeking views on proposals to strengthen the Fire Safety Order, implement Grenfell Tower Inquiry recommendations and strengthen the regulatory framework for how building control bodies consult with Fire and Rescue Authorities.



Carers' experiences of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic - September 2020

Carers UK

Carers UK has launched this survey to capture how the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic continues to have an impact on carers' lives. Responses to this survey will enable them to provide comprehensive evidence of what carers are experiencing as part of our ongoing work to influence Government decision making, highlight carers’ experiences in the media, and ensure that our advice and information resources are appropriate for carers’ needs. In the survey you will be asked what life is like now, what has changed, what's happened during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, and what support you need.



Distributing vaccines and treatments for COVID-19 and flu

Department of Health and Social Care

The UK government, with the Minister of Health in Northern Ireland, is seeking views on proposed changes to the Human Medicine Regulations 2012. The consultation covers:
authorising temporary supply of an unlicensed product
civil liability and immunity
expanding the workforce eligible to administer vaccinations
promoting vaccines
making provisions for wholesale dealing of vaccines



Children’s Food Campaign and Food Active Survey

Children’s Food Campaign and Food Active

The Coronavirus emergency has thrown up all sorts of new challenges for feeding our children whilst in lockdown. Recent research by the Obesity Health Alliance confirmed that for adults, many have increased the amount of home cooking and the amount of fruit and veg they are eating. However it also showed many adults have been eating more takeaways, savoury snacks, biscuits, cakes and sweets. 
This 10-minute survey gives parents and carers an opportunity to share what their children have been eating more and less of, any notable changes in attitudes to food and more.



Consultation on proposed changes to the assessment of GCSEs, AS and A levels in 2021


Ofqual are consulting on proposals to modify the assessment for some GCSEs, AS and A levels in summer 2021 in response to the disruption to education caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. They are seeking views on proposals and questions on the following areas: adaptations to exams and assessments that could free up teaching time; adaptations to exams and assessments to address obstacles that could be created by any Covid-19 public health safeguards; sampling of subject content; the use of more optional questions in exams; changing the length of exams; and changing the exam timetable.



Protecting places of worship consultation

Home office

The Home Office is carrying out a consultation across England and Wales on what steps should be taken to provide greater protection from hate crimes in places of worship. Following consultation with religious leaders it has been consistently heard that there is an important balance to be had between worshipping openly and providing adequate measures to protect worshippers. The responses to the consultation will be collated, processed, and analysed by NatCen on behalf of the Home Office.

This survey has closed – when the results have been analysed an update will be provided here.



Low Pay Commission consultation 2020

Low Pay Commission

The Low Pay Commission is seeking evidence to inform its recommendations for the 2021 National Minimum Wage (NMW) rates. They are particularly interested in: the affordability and effects of an increase in April 2021 to an National Living Wage (NLW) rate of £9.21; views on a new NLW target of two-thirds of median earnings and lowering the NLW age threshold to 21; potential changes to the Apprentice Rate and their effects in particular on 16-18 year old apprentices; and the effects of recent increases in the NLW and their impacts on employment, hours, pay and benefits, productivity, prices and profits.

This survey has closed – when the results have been analysed an update will be provided here.



Unregulated provision for children in care and care leavers

Department for Education

The DfE is seeking views on a number of proposals aimed at addressing the number of children aged 16-17 placed in unregulated settings. The proposals include banning the use of this provision for under-16s and new legal powers for Ofsted to take action against illegal providers. They are seeking views from young people with experience of care, local authorities, children’s social care workforce & providers.



NHS: Your current experience of coronavirus


You can help the NHS plan its response to the outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19) by sharing your experience. This survey will help the NHS understand more about how and where coronavirus is affecting people currently.

This survey has closed – when the results have been analysed an update will be provided here.



Review of  the ban on the use of combustible materials in and on the external walls of buildings

Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government

This consultation seeks the views on the ban on the use of combustible materials in and on external walls of buildings, including buildings types covered, height threshold, list of exemptions and a proposal to specifically ban the use of metal composite panels in and on the external walls of all buildings.

This survey has closed – when the results have been analysed an update will be provided here.



Changes to Ofsted’s post-inspection processes and complaints handling: proposed improvements


Ofsted is seeking views on a number of proposals regarding changes to Ofsted’s post-inspection processes and complaints handling. They propose to provide greater consistency in post-inspection arrangements, allow all inspected providers 5 working days to review their draft report and submit any comments about issues of factual accuracy and the inspection process before a report is finalised, consider and respond to formal complaints from inspected providers before their inspection report is published, and retain current arrangements for internal reviews into complaints handling such as the scrutiny panel.



First Homes

Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government

First Homes are flats and houses built on developments up and down the country, no different from other properties except they will be sold with a discount of at least 30%. They will be prioritised for first-time buyers, serving members of the armed forces and key workers such as nurses, police and teachers.
The MHCLG is seeking views on first homes for local people, considering both the design of this policy and options for its implementation, including: what first homes are and who should be eligible for them, how the scheme should work and how to deliver more of these homes through developer contributions.



NHS Net Zero - Call for evidence


The NHS is seeking ideas on how the NHS can reduce its carbon emissions, in order to reach ‘Net Zero’. Views and evidence can be submitted into the categories of case studies, ideas, research, or something else.  Responses are encouraged to be kept to a maximum of 500 words per question and you may submit supporting links and evidence. There is no limit on the number of responses that can be submitted into each of the categories and evidence is not a requirement for participation. They are seeking views from patients, carers, and NHS staff, as well as experts in a related field or anyone with an interest in healthcare or sustainability.



Ofsted inspection: removal of the outstanding exemption

Department for Education

The DfE is seeking views on the removal of the exemption for outstanding schools, colleges and other organisations delivering publicly-funded education and training. Some schools, colleges and other organisations  delivering education and training that were rated Outstanding by Ofsted at their last inspection, are legally exempt from further routine Ofsted inspection. It is proposed that this exemption be removed.



The Future Homes Standard: changes to Part L and Part F of the Building Regulations for new dwellings

Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government

This consultation sets out plans for the Future Homes Standard, including proposed options to increase the energy efficiency requirements for new homes in 2020. It will require new build homes to be future-proofed with low carbon heating and world-leading levels of energy efficiency; it will be introduced by 2025.




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