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Past Consultations 2018

The Big Conversation

Local Consultations

Title Lead Organisation Summary Start Date Closing Date

Open+ Libraries Evaluation

Tameside Council

Open+ Libraries is a self-service function that increases the hours people can use the libraries. Weekly hours have been extended from 276 to 495 so that people who would like to can use their library in unstaffed time. This survey asked those who use Open+ for their views on how the new system was working. Users were encouraged to complete the survey while using their library in the newly implemented hours.



Survey for ex-Army Personnel

TASC, TMBC & Greater Sport

Tameside Armed Services Community (TASC), Tameside Council and Greater sport wanted to launch a project aimed at helping armed forces personnel to remain active in their transition to civilian life. It aimed to create a whole host of physical activity and sports sessions over a three year period. They wanted to hear opinions on the plans.



What Matters to You 2018

Tameside & Glossop CCG

Tameside & Glossop CCG promoted the NHS England ‘What Matters to You’ campaign where individuals and groups across the borough were encouraged to tell us what matters to them in terms of the health and social care they receive in the area.



Homelessness Prevention Strategy

Tameside Council

Tameside’s Homelessness Prevention Strategy was updated, but before it could be agreed the draft version of the new document went out for consultation so that members of the public could view it and make comments or suggestions. The new draft was agreed to come into effect in December 2018.



Same-sex accommodation on in-patient mental health wards

Pennine Care

Based on some recommendations from the CQC, Pennine Care had planned a move towards single-sex accommodation of in-patient mental health wards. They sought views from patients, staff, families, carers and other stakeholders before finalising any plans.



Review of Urgent Care Provision in Tameside and Glossop  Tameside & Glossop CCG NHS Tameside and Glossop Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is committed to ensuring their residents can access the right care, at the right time and in the right place should you or someone you care for have an urgent medical need. They want to make their Urgent Care system as simple as possible so that your journey through illness to recovery is clear, easy to access and of a high quality. At the Single Commissioning Board on 31 October 2017 a decision was taken to start a consultation on options for access to Urgent Care in Tameside and Glossop. 01/11/2017 26/01/2018
Care Home Contracts Tameside Council A new way of contracting care homes was proposed, and a consultation exercise was carried out to gather the views of those affected by the change, as well as with wider stakeholders. 11/12/2017 31/01/2018
Museum of the Manchester Regiment Tameside Council The Museum of the Manchester Regiment closed in 2015 while the building work for new council offices took place. This consultation took place to find out what the Museum means to people and how it can be redeveloped.

Consultation now closed and currently awaiting outcome.
12/01/2018 09/02/2018
Hypertension Campaign Evaluation Tameside Council Tameside Council, alongside Be Well Tameside developed an awareness campaign designed to promote blood pressure checks, with the ultimate goal of increasing the number of people on the Hypertension register. They issued a follow-up consultation to assess the effectiveness of the campaign, to inform future campaigns and to ensure that the methods were working. 01/02/2018 01/03/2018
Shared Lives Scheme Tameside Council Adult services were seeking views on two proposed changes to the Shared Lives Scheme: 1) changes to the carer’s payment and 2) to bring the access age of the scheme from 18 years down to 16+. 11/06/2018 22/07/2018
Hattersley & Mottram Public Realm Tameside Council & Onward Homes A series of proposals were developed by the Council and local housing provider Onward Homes in relation to the regeneration of Hattersley and Mottram. Funding had been made available to invest in a number of the proposals, so they were put before the residents in a public survey. Some public events as well as an online survey were held so that residents could have their say. 03/07/2018 31/07/2019
Infant Feeding Surveys Tameside Council In support of Breastfeeding Week 2018, our population health department wanted to find out more about infant feeding in Tameside – whether parents prefer to breast or bottle feed, and how partners of primary feeders support the process. The purpose of this was to understand what help and support is needed, and how we can tailor our services to support new parents in Tameside. 30/07/2018 02/08/2018
Maternity Services Survey Tameside Council Tameside and Glossop Strategic Commission along with the Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust are moving towards a Maternity Voices Partnership where local parents have the opportunity to make a difference to our local maternity services. 09/08/2018 19/09/2018
Digital Skills Research Tameside Council Tameside Council were looking to gather information about residents' ability and confidence with their digital skills in order to help shape the programme of activities and courses available to help people get the skills they need to participate in the economy and wider society. 03/09/2018 02/11/2018
Council Tax Support Scheme Consultation Tameside Council We introduced new proposals for the Council Tax Support Scheme. Proposal A was to support claimants who start work and Proposal B was to ensure that self-employed claimants would be calculated in the same way as other working age claimants. A public consultation was held asking residents for their views on the proposals before a decision was made. 20/09/2018 21/11/2018
Stalybridge Town Centre Challenge Tameside Council As part of a Greater Manchester wide initiative launched by Mayor Andy Burnham, Tameside Council selected Stalybridge as our choice for town centre regeneration. 08/10/2018 31/10/2018
Gambling Policy Consultation Tameside Council Tameside Council is required to publish a statement of principles (Gambling Policy) and update this every three years. The existing policy expired in February 2019 and so a consultation was held on the revised statement so that interested individuals and businesses which hold licenses could have their say. 12/10/2018 04/01/2019
Housing Assistance Policy Tameside Council The Regulatory Reform (housing assistance) Order 2002 gives local authorities a general power to introduce policies for private sector housing to provide assistance to individuals with renewals, repairs and adaptations in their homes through grants or loans. The policy was created in 2003 and has remained largely the same. A consultation was held on a new draft RRO policy to ensure that we continue to provide help and assistance with an up to date scheme. 05/12/2018 25/01/2019
Council Tax Charge on Long-Term Empty Properties Tameside Council

New legislation in the Local Government Finance Act 1998 gives local authorities discretion to increase the council tax charge on empty properties.

The Council was therefore proposing to increase the charges where the property has been empty for a long period of time in line with new legislation. Although the change only affects owners of empty properties, a public consultation was held to gain the views of the public on the proposals.
10/12/18 18/01/19

Regional Consultations

Title Lead Organisation Summary Start Date Closing Date

Benign Urology


Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership undertook a review of its urology services and held a consultation to find out how it can improve their design and outcomes for those who use them.

Survey closed and awaiting outcome



GM Cardiology


GMHSC Partnership held a consultation on Cardiology services in Greater Manchester with a view to shape new improvements and changes to make them more sustainable for the future.

Survey closed and awaiting outcome



GM Respiratory


GMHSC partnership undertook a consultation on its respiratory services to find out what its users find positive and their suggestions for future improvements.

Survey closed and awaiting outcome



Same-sex accommodation of in-patient mental health wards

Pennine Care

In line with guidance issued by the CQC, Pennine Care held a consultation to gather views on proposals to move towards single sex accommodation of in-patient mental health wards. They sought attitudes from patients, staff, families, carers and other stakeholders to help shape the proposals.

Survey closed and awaiting outcome



Standing Together GMCA The Mayor of Greater Manchester is responsible for setting the direction for policing and community safety across the region. “Standing Together” was produced to outline a three-year plan for building community safety through a number of priorities. The plan was built following consultation and engagement with residents and organisations. 13/12/2017 14/01/2018
History Makers GMCA Mayor Andy Burnham has pledged that Greater Manchester become the first-city region in Europe to be smoke-free. A consultation was launched to allow residents to have their say on smoking and to see if the pledge had public support. Residents in all 10 boroughs were asked for their views on smoking and whether they agreed with the aim to eradicate it completely. 12/02/2018 30/04/2018
Trans Penine Upgrade Consultation Highways England Plans to improve journeys on the Trans-Pennine route between Manchester and Sheffield went out for public consultation. Views were sought on new roads, new safety and technology improvements and improvements to existing infrastructure.

Consultation now closed and currently awaiting outcome.
12/02/2018 25/03/2018
Preventing Hateful Extremism and Promoting Social Cohesion GMCA The Promoting Social Cohesion and Preventing Hateful Extremism Commission was established by Greater Manchester Mayor, Andy Burnham, in September 2017 to consider how to support communities to build a stronger and safer Greater Manchester. It aims to find out ideas about how we can build a sense of togetherness across communities and tackle hateful views and behaviours across the city-region. 23/02/2018 16/04/2018
Libraries for Derbyshire Derbyshire CC Residents of Derbyshire (including those living in Glossop in the CCG area) were asked to have their say on proposals for the future of the library service. Residents were asked for their thoughts on changes that would mean some libraries would come under community management. As a result, Derbyshire have now changed the way that some libraries are run. Follow the link for information. 09/05/2018 30/07/2018
Metrolink Zonal Fare TfGM The Mayor of Greater Manchester alongside TfGM sought views on recently published proposals to introduce a zonal fare structure on the Metrolink network in early 2019. 01/06/2018 17/06/2018
Have your say on taxi and private hire services TfGM TfGM wanted to hear about people's experiences of using taxis and private hire vehicles in Greater Manchester. The feedback would be used to support the introduction of a common set of minimum standards for taxis and private hire vehicles in the region.

Consultation now closed and currently awaiting outcome.
19/07/2018 31/08/2018
Early Help Review Derbyshire CC Derbyshire CC conducted a public consultation regarding Early Help services for children and young people and their families, after it was proposed that a reduction of services would be necessary. Please note this covers residents in Glossop in the CCG area. 05/09/2018 22/10/2018
Greater Manchester Cultural Strategy GMCA Greater Manchester is known globally for its significant contribution to culture, which is why the Culture Strategy for the city-region sets out to build on this, and to develop Greater Manchester as the best place in the world to create, participate and engage with culture and heritage. You can help shape the future of Greater Manchester’s cultural offerings by feeding into the consultation on the draft strategy. 25/09/2018 13/11/2018
Developing a Good Employment Charter for Greater Manchester GMCA Greater Manchester has developed a Good Employment Charter. The aim of the Charter is to help employers reach excellent employment standards and become more successful as a result. The consultation sought views on the draft version, and they wanted to hear from employers and employees in the private, public and voluntary and community sectors, people working in organisations responsible for employment practices, and representative bodies such as business groups and trade unions. 03/10/2018 18/11/2018
Developing Good Jobs and Growth: Greater Manchester’s Local Industrial Strategy GMCA Greater Manchester is a world-renowned centre of industry, innovation, enterprise and creativity. An industrial strategy was developed to drive the city-region forward as a global economic powerhouse. GMCA wanted to hear the public’s views on the strategy to help shape its design. 15/10/2018 22/11/2018
Greater Manchester’s Big Alcohol Conversation GMCA The Big Alcohol Conversation is being led by the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) and Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership, set up to oversee the devolution of our health and social care services. Evidence shows how drinking too much alcohol can affect our people and our communities. This consultation sought to find out what these numbers really mean for Greater Manchester and what role does alcohol plays in our daily lives. 15/11/2018 28/02/2019
Developing a Drug and Alcohol Strategy for Greater Manchester GMCA Drugs and alcohol misuse impacts on the health and wellbeing of our residents, the safety of our communities, and the vibrancy and economic future of our town centres and night time economies. GMCA wanted views from the public to understand how we can create a strategy that will significantly reduce the risks and harms caused by drugs and alcohol. 12/12/2018 13/01/2019
MEC SCN Children and Young People Increasing confidence Survey GMEC Greater Manchester and Eastern Cheshire Strategic Networks wanted to make sure that children and young people who have a long term condition such as asthma or diabetes feel they are able to confidently manage it, as part of work to improve services.

Consultation now closed and currently awaiting outcome.
13/12/2018 28/02/2019
Bee Network TFGM Transport for Greater Manchester, alongside the GM Cycling and Walking Commissioner Chris Boardman, developed proposals for a new walking and cycling infrastructure across all ten local authority areas. Residents were invited to comment on the proposals, a series of detailed maps for each local area. You can see the details of the proposals using the link. 28/06/18 30/09/18
Working Carers Survey GMHSCP GMHSCP had reviewed how carers across the region receive the support they need in the workplace, as part of a wider programme of work to recognise the role of carers and support them. The feedback was used to develop a GM Working Carer Toolkit

Survey closed and awaiting outcome
Review of Greater Manchester's Children Hospital GMHSCP A GM hospital service review took place with the aim of making children's health care services the best they can be and to make them sustainable and affordable for the future. Both adults and children and young people were encouraged to take part.

Consultation now closed and currently awaiting outcome.
GMHSC Partnership insight and perception survey  GMHSCP GMHSCP wanted to understand the current level of awareness of how it is taking charge of money spent on health and social care as part of devolution in Greater Manchester, and how they can involve local people in their plans.

Consultation now closed and currently awaiting outcome.
10/08/2018 31/08/2018
Cataract Survey Healthwatch Derbyshire Healthwatch Derbyshire carried out a survey to find out people's experience of care and treatment for cataracts. 01/06/2018 02/09/2018

National Consultations

Title Lead Organisation Summary Start Date Closing Date

Relationships education, relationships and sex education (RSE), and health education consultation

Department for Education

The DfE was seeking views on the draft regulations, guidance and impact assessment relating to Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education.



Personal Health Budgets NHSE Within the NHS, there is an ever-growing shift towards personalisation of health and care. This consultation looked into how personal health budgets and personal budgets in social care can be aligned into a single budget based upon the individual's holistic health and social care needs. 06/04/2018 08/06/2018
Transforming the response to Domestic Abuse Home Office Following a pledge to tackle the national problem of domestic abuse in the UK, the government launched a consultation on the measures it was seeking to adopt in order to promote awareness, protect victims and prevent abuse. Following the consultation a draft bill and consultation response has been published. 08/03/2018 31/05/2018
Integrated Communities Strategy Green Paper Consultation Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government The Integrated Communities Strategy consultation sought views on the government's vision for building strong integrated communities where people live work, learn and socialise together based on shared rights, responsibilities and opportunities. 14/03/2018 05/06/2018
Government’s Clean Air Strategy Defra Last year the government published their plans for reducing roadside nitrogen dioxide concentrations in the UK, setting out the approach to meet statutory limits for NO2. They were consulting on the draft strategy and the plan has now been published. You can find it here. 22/05/2018 14/08/2018
Cross Country Rail Franchise  Department for Transport  This consultation sought views on various aspects of the Cross Country passenger rail service ahead of the franchise's expiration in December 2019. The results will inform what the Department for Transport asks from potential future operators.  07/06/2018 30/08/2018
Consultation on proposed changes to the service specification for Tier 4 Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) NHSE NHS England launched a 60-day consultation to seek feedback on a new specification for CAMHS Tier 4 children's services. 

Survey closed and awaiting outcome
15/06/2018 14/08/2018
NHSE Guidance for which Over the Counter (OTC) Prescribing should not be routinely prescribed Peter Howarth In the year prior to June 2017, the NHS  spent approximately £569 million on prescriptions for medicines which can be purchased over the counter.
With this in mind and with a view to reducing spend but also promoting self-care NHS England carried out a public consultation earlier this year on reducing the prescribing of over-the-counter medicines for minor, short-term health concerns.
22/06/2018 31/10/2018
Reform of the Gender Recognition Act 2004  Government Equalities Office Trans people are able to receive legal recognition of their acquired gender through a process set out in the Gender Recognition Act (GRA) 2004. This consultation sought views on making the process simpler for trans/non-binary people wishing to use it.

Consultation now closed and currently awaiting outcome.
03/07/2018 19/10/2018
Consultation on the effectiveness of clinical interventions NHSE Research evidence shows some interventions are not clinically effective or only effective when they are performed in specific circumstances. An Evidence-Based Interventions programme was proposed and a consultation was held on its contents. 04/07/2018 28/09/2018
Consultation on contracting arrangements for Integrated Care Providers (ICPs)  NHSE NHS England  launched a 12 week consultation on the contracting arrangements for Integrated Care Providers. The consultation provides more detail about how the proposed ICP Contract would underpin integration between services, how it differs from existing NHS contracts, and how ICPs fit into the broader commissioning system.  03/08/2018 26/10/2018
A new deal for social housing Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government The social housing green paper proposed fundamental reform to ensure social homes provide an essential, safe, well-managed service for all those who need it.

Consultation now closed and currently awaiting outcome.
14/08/2018 06/11/2018
Abnormally invasive placenta services NHSE NHSE consulted on a new service specification for specialist maternity care for women diagnosed with abnormally invasive placenta.

Consultation now closed and currently awaiting outcome.
16/08/2018 14/10/2018
Specialised gynaecology surgery and complex urogynaecology conditions service specifications NHSE NHE England were consulted on three specialist gynaecological and female urological procedures to help inform future planning of these services.

Consultation now closed and currently awaiting outcome.
16/08/2018 13/11/2018
Gluten-free food on NHS prescription NHS England NHS England made new proposals on regulation of prescription of gluten-free foods on the NHS. An update on the consultation has now been published and can be found here. 21/08/2018 01/10/2018
Proposed changes to specialised severe intestinal failure services for adults NHSE Following a review of the clinical model of severe intestinal failure, two types of centre to support people living with SIF were proposed. This consultation sought comments on the proposals. 24/08/2018 29/10/2018
Sale of Energy Drinks to Children  Department of Health and Social Care This consultation sought views on whether the sale of energy drinks to children should be stopped, as part of a wider agenda on the health of children.

Consultation now closed and currently awaiting outcome.
30/08/2018 21/11/2018
Calorie labelling for food and drink served outside the home Department for Health & Social Care This consultation asked for public opinion on how businesses should display calorie content information and what obstacles might hamper putting this proposal into practice.

Consultation now closed and currently awaiting outcome.
14/09/2018 07/12/2018
Proposals for the reform of the annual canvass Cabinet Office The Cabinet Office sought feedback on proposed reforms to the annual canvass, due to be implemented in 2020. The proposed reforms are intended to enable local authority Electoral Registration Officers (EROs) to target their resources more effectively.

Consultation now closed and currently awaiting outcome.
05/10/2018 30/11/2018
Improving Adult Basic Digital Skills  DfE This consultation sought views new national standards setting out the basic digital skills needed for life and work and plans to introduce improved basic digital skills qualifications. 18/10/2018 10/01/2019
Consultation on proposals to ban the distribution and/or sale of plastic straws, plastic-stemmed cotton buds and plastic drink stirrers in England Defra Defra was consulting on a proposed ban on single-use plastics effective from April 2020. They are associated with negative effects on the environment if they are littered, threatening marine and terrestrial life. 22/10/2018 03/12/2018
Changes to planning policy and guidance including the standard method for assessing local housing need Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government This consultation set out proposals to update planning practice guidance on housing need assessment to be consistent with increasing housing supply. 26/10/2018 07/12/2018
Planning reform: supporting the high street and increasing the delivery of new homes Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government This consultation was based on a package of measures to provide greater planning certainty to support the high street and ensure that new homes can be delivered in the rights places and without delay. 29/10/2018 14/01/2019
Regulating Basic Digital Skills Qualifications Ofqual Basic Digital Skills Qualifications form part of the government's plans to improve adults skills. This consultation sought views on the proposed approach to regulating them. 05/11/2018 13/01/2019
Strategy for our veterans: UK government consultation paper Ministry of Defence The strategy for veterans sets out the aims and principles needed to meet the needs of older veterans and the wider veteran community.This consultation sought views on how the strategy for veterans can be implemented. 14/11/2018 21/02/2019
Extremism in England and Wales: call for evidence Commission for Countering Terrorism This consultation was a call for evidence on understanding of extremism. The aim was to help inform a study with the goal of improving the understanding of extremism and its impact on individuals, communities and wider society. 22/11/2018 13/01/2019
Items which should not routinely be prescribed in primary care: an update and a consultation on further guidance for CCGs NHSE In 2017, the cost of prescriptions dispensed in the community was £9.17bn. NHSE partnered with CCGs to ensure that prescribing resources are used effectively. This consultation sought views on proposals for new commissioning advice to bring about appropriate use of prescribing resources.

Consultation now closed and currently awaiting outcome.
28/11/2018 28/02/2019
Williams Rail Review Department for Transport  The Review was established to recommend the most appropriate organisational/commercial frameworks to support the deliver of the government's vision for the railway. This consultation sought public views on the proposals. 06/12/2018 18/01/2019
Developing a patient safety strategy for the NHS NHSE New proposals were developed for a national patient safety strategy to support the NHS to be the safest healthcare system in the world. The consultation sought feedback to help shape the strategy. 14/12/2018 15/02/2018

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