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Community Safety Strategy Consultation 2021/24

The Tameside Community Safety Partnership (CSP) is developing its Community Safety Strategy for the years 2021-24 and would like to hear your views.
The CSP is made up of representation from the Tameside MBC, Greater Manchester Police, Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service, Health, Probation and Youth Justice, voluntary and community sector organisations and housing providers with the overriding objective of making Tameside a safe place to live, work and visit.
In order for the CSP to meet this objective, a Community Safety Strategy document has been drafted setting out five priorities that will shape the work of the CSP to achieve a safer borough.

A partnership approach in making the borough a safer place has been made even more important given the significant impact and challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on all our lives.
In developing this Community Safety Strategy, we would like to hear from anyone who lives or works in Tameside, or has an interest in the strategy. 
We are looking for comments on the content of the strategy, namely its vision, strengths, challenges and opportunities in order to devise a strategy that meets the needs of the people who live in, work in and visit the borough of Tameside.

You can find a copy of the draft Community Safety Strategy here​

Please tell us your views by completing the survey here

The consultation will close on Thursday 25 February 2021

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