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Helping Peter find his purpose

Helping Peter find his purposeWhat better way to celebrate Learning Disability Week 2024 than to showcase the hard work and dedication of Peter, one of our fantastic residents.

Although Peter has a learning disability, his goal was always to find paid employment and with help from the Routes to team he has proudly achieved that goal. 

He started receiving support from Routes to Work in 2018 and the team have supported him on his employment journey.

Routes to Work is a Tameside Council funded provision aimed at anyone who, because of a disability, has struggled to access mainstream services and find employment. 

Through training sessions, CV workshops, volunteering opportunities and one-to-one mentoring, the programme seeks to prepare individuals for all aspects of employment from building a CV to workplace etiquette.

Peter’s first key step in 2019 began with volunteering at Barnardo’s to build on his skills and abilities. He quickly progressed to becoming a key holder in 2020 then gaining further responsibilities and trust which he then furthered by successfully securing paid employment as a sales associate in 2021.

Peter loves working at Barnardo’s and said: “being at home was boring and I now feel I have a purpose. It gives me something to look forward to and being able to earn my own money is great. I get along with my colleagues and have even made friends. I have now learnt new skills such as improving on my maths and IT skills. By volunteering and then progressing to paid employment I feel a lot happier.”

When asked what he thought of the support he has received from Routes to Work Peter said: “Routes to Work helped me progress and gain confidence. I originally volunteered at Barnardo’s and with help from Routes to Work, I have been able to get a paid position. My Employment Officer and Support Worker has also helped me stay in work. The interview help I got from Scott was great and without his support I wouldn’t be in work today.”

Peters Employment Support Worker Abi said “Peters work journey has been amazing to watch. He volunteered to build on his skills and through his efforts has gained paid employment. Peter is a pleasure to support, and I am so proud of his efforts. Well done Peter!”

In May this year testament to his hard work, Peter proudly received a certificate from his Manager Lisa for ‘Number 1 performer on round up’. 

Lisa said: “Peter has settled in really well in our branch. Peter has a good relationship with everyone and makes us all laugh. He is a hard worker and always does his best. Peter is a valuable member of my team and great to work with. We are a disability friendly employer and proud to see Peter progress from a volunteer to a Paid Sales Associate.”

To find out more about the support available through the Routes to Work scheme please call 0161 342 5200 or visit