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Tameside Tech Know


Tameside TechKnow Festival Shows Residents How to Boost Digital Skills

The Tameside TechKnow Festival recently featured almost 50 workshops, activities and sessions as part of a festival in the borough to celebrate all things digital. There were activities ranging from an I.T. coffee morning for complete beginners, to help with tracing family histories through digital archives, kids’ coding sessions, and a dinosaur trail through Hyde.


The week of activities attracted nearly 1,000 participants and culminated on Saturday 14 August with a host of sessions and workshops taking place at Ashton Library and in the market ground. Highlights included a film and photography workshop by the Rio Ferdinand Foundation and a digital creative session hosted by Global Grooves.


Residents who attended found the support and encouragement useful especiall those who are less confident using online technology. People who hadn’t used a computer or tablet before were encouraged to have a go, and there were activities for those interested in immproving their existing digital skills. Over the week themes highlighted included: how being online can improve employment opportunities, using apps and tools to improve health and wellbeing, and how using the internet can reduce social isolation.

Here are some of the comments we received from residents.

  • "Very good. I had no idea there  is so much support and information available"
  • "Way better than I expected. Found so many jobs, applied to 2 in the session and enrolled to see courses online. Thank you. This was a big help!!!"
  • "I loved this it was really fun. I have learnt lots of new things, I enjoyed making it a lot"
3D Printing Global Grooves Global Grooves
Coder Dojo Global Grooves Rio Ferdinand Foundation
PC Refurb Meeting the Mayor BorrowBox Roadshow TechKnow
Filmmaking with the Rio Ferdinand Foundation PAC Animation workshop Global Grooves workshop

The festival also launched Tameside Council’s TechKnow brand which includes recruiting  “TechKnow Buddies” who are digital champions  supporting residents to get online safely, as well as introducing residents to the numerous organisations in the borough who can help with accessing digital devices, learning the basics to get started, how to be cyber secure and more.

Anyone who wants more information about being a digital champion should email, visit any library or call 0161 342 2031.


Tameside TechKnow - Making things easier for you in today’s world and exploring ideas for the future.

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Image Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council        Image - Tameside Libraries      Tameside TechKnow     Image - Tameside loves digital






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0161 342 2031
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Ashton Library
Tameside One
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