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Worried about your gas or electricity bill?


Tameside energy guide for consumers

This guide gives basic information about help available in Tameside with fuel bills and energy efficiency improvements. It gives telephone numbers and websites for how to find out more information, apply for grants and get advice.

In its latest fuel poverty statistics for 2012, the Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC) reported that the number of households in fuel poverty in England was estimated at around 2.28 million, representing approximately 10.4 per cent of all English households. This is a fall from 2.39 million households in 2011. In line with this, the aggregate fuel poverty gap (in real terms) also dropped from £1.06 billion in 2011 to £1.01 billion in 2012, as did the average fuel poverty gap over this period, from £445 to £443 per household. This is the annual amount of income/energy cost reduction that a household would need for them to no longer be considered to be in fuel poverty. 

These figures are based on the government’s new definition of fuel poverty which considers a household to be in fuel poverty if they have a low income and high energy costs. This is a significant change to the previous definition which was if a household spent more than 10% of their income to adequately heat their home.

Below is a quick list of actions you could take to ensure that you are not paying too much for or wasting energy.
Move to dual fuel – this means getting both your gas and electric from one supplier. Energy companies offer valuable discounts for doing this.

  1. Move to dual fuel – this means getting both your gas and electric from one supplier. Energy companies offer valuable discounts for doing this.
  2. Pay by direct debit – suppliers also offer discounts to those customers who pay by monthly direct debit. Compared with an average household on a standard energy plan paying by cash or cheque, paying by direct debit will save you £98 a year.
  3. Sign up to an online plan – these are consistently the most competitive plans in the market, currently offering an average saving of just over £200 compared with being on a standard plan.
  4. Fix your energy prices – if it becomes clear that widespread rises are on the way then it may be worth looking at a fixed-price plan. However, these can come at a premium and can carry early exit penalties, so you should always think carefully before signing up.
  5. Ask your current provider if you are on their cheapest deal. If not, ask to be switched... but make sure you do not incur penalties for changing tariff early.
  6. Become energy efficient – reducing the amount of energy you use as well as paying less for what you do use can help you cut bills substantially. This means turning the thermostat down (a reduction in temperature of 1°C could save 10% on your annual heating bills); invest in cheap but effective roof insulation; heat only the rooms you use most often; close your curtains in the evenings to keep the heat in; and reduce draughts around doors.
  7. Speak to your supplier about the help they can offer you in making your home more energy efficient – under the Energy Company Obligation there is funding available for household energy saving measures such as insulation and even boilers for qualifying households.
  8. Consider what other energy-sapping devices you have in the home. Don't leave electrical appliances on standby (a computer on "sleep" mode uses up to 75% of its energy); turn off lights and appliances when you go to bed; don't overfill your kettle; take showers rather than baths; wash clothes in your washing machine at a lower temperature; and change to energy-saving light bulbs.


1. How to keep track of your fuel use

Regular Meter Readings – It is important to keep track of how much gas and electricity you are using so that you can budget for the next bill and check how much fuel you are using. It can also be useful if you have a dispute. This means your meter needs to be read regularly.

You can use a chart below to keep a weekly/monthly check :-

Week: actual dateElectricity readingUnits usedGas readingUnits used
1: x  
Totals -   


2. Priority service register (PSR)

What is it? It is a register of people who need extra help and care with their fuel bills. PSRs are managed by the fuel companies. You should not be disconnected in the winter months (October to March) if you are on the PSR.

Am I eligible? You need to check with your energy company but in general the PSR is available to anyone who is over pensionable age, or is disabled or has a long term illness, or who has a visual or hearing impairment (blind or deaf). Once on the register you can ask for your meter to be read every 3 months rather than rely on estimated or your own readings.

How can I apply? Register direct with your fuel company or online via the Consumer Direct website.

EDF EnergyEnergy PSR0800 269 450
E.ONEnergy PSR0800 051 1480
British GasHome Energy Care0800 072 7100
ScottishPowerCarefree0845 2700 700
Scottish and Southern EnergyCareline0800 622 838
NPowerWarm Response Team0808 172 6999

Further contact details can be found at the end of the guide.

3. How to reduce the cost of your fuel

Compare Estimated GB Average Energy Prices *

Visit the Consumer Focus which shows the average energy prices in the UK by Supplier and payment type. This is based on prices as of January 2014.

It is important to consider the main type of fuel you use (electricity/gas), how you pay your bills and who your supplier is. There are different options for each which could save you money if you check to make sure you are choosing the best options for you.

4. Warm Home Discount

What is it? 

The Warm Home Discount scheme is a rebate that customers can get off their electricity bills to try to tackle increasing energy costs for vulnerable customers. This rebate is provided by the main energy suppliers.

Who will get it?

The Warm Home Discount will be available to two groups of customers; the ‘Core Group’ and the ‘Broader Group’. The core group consists of all people in receipt of the Guarantee Element of Pension Credit (even if you get the Savings Credit as well). The Broader group criteria are determined by each of the energy suppliers individually and are linked to income and benefits.

These conditions outlined above must have applied to you on 28 July 2014 in order for you to qualify for the Warm Home Discount this year. If you began receiving qualifying benefits after this date then you will not qualify for the Warm Home Discount. Your supplier must also have been participating in the scheme on this date and either your name or your partner’s name must have been on the bill.

How much can I get?

If you qualify this winter you’ll receive £140 towards your electricity bill between October 2014 and the end of March 2015.

At the moment this is set to be the final year that the Warm Homes Discount will be available. .

Pre-pay or pay as you go meters

You can also qualify for the discount if you use a pre-pay or pay as you go electricity meters. Your electricity supplier can tell you how you’ll get the discount if you’re eligible. For example, a voucher you can use to top up your meter.

What do I need to do?

If you are in the Core Group then you don’t need to do anything. The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) have shared data with the participating energy suppliers so they are aware of the customers who will qualify for this group and therefore, for these people the payment will be made automatically to their electricity accounts. The payment will be made by the end of March 2015.

If you think that you might fall under the Broader Group then you will need to contact your energy supplier. All of the main energy companies have now set out their criteria for the Broader Group. In the tables below we have outlined the criteria for the main 6 energy suppliers and the numbers you can contact to apply for the rebate.

Important – Most of the energy suppliers offering the Warm Home Discount have limited funding to offer for the Broader Group therefore the rebates are being offered on a first come, first served basis. It is possible that not everyone who qualifies for this will actually receive the rebate. Find out if you are eligible as soon as possible to make sure you don’t miss out.

Scottish & Southern Energy Broader Group Criteria – 0800 300 111

SSE are splitting their broader group into two separate groups:

Group 1:

People in receipt of Pension Credit (who did not fit the core group criteria because they have Savings Credit only)

Group 2:

People who receive any of the benefits details in List A if the also have one of the components in List B:

List A

  • Income Support
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Job Seeker’s Allowance

List B

  • Disability Living Allowance
  • Severe Disablement Allowance
  • Incapacity Benefit
  • War Disablement Pension
  • Industrial Injuries Benefit
  • Have a child living with them who was born after 1 April 2007
  • Child Disability Allowance
  • Receive an extra payment because they are sick or disabled
  • Child Tax Credit which includes a disability premium for a child living with them who was born on or after 1 April 1994

EDF Broader Group Criteria – 0800 096 9000 

EDF Energy refer to the broader group as ‘Warm Home Discount Support Plus’. To qualify for this rebate customers must receive one from each of the criteria sections below:

Group 1:

  • Income based Job Seekers Allowance
  • Income Support
  • Income related employment support allowance

Group 2:

  • Long Term Incapacity Benefit (including credits only)
  • Severe Disablement Allowance
  • Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Personal Independence Payment (PIP) for yourself
  • Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Personal Independence Payment (PIP) for another adult or a child living with you
  • Have a child who was under 5 on the 1st of April 2013 living with you (born on of after 1st April 2008)
  • Employment support allowance which includes a work related activity or a support group component.

E-ON Broader Group Criteria – 0800 404 6287

E-ON have split the eligibility criteria for their Broader Group into different sections depending on your circumstances:


Guaranteed AND Savings Element of the Pension Credit AND under the age of 75 on 20/07/2013 (unfortunately if you only receive the savings element of pension credit you’re not eligible).

Housing or Council Tax Benefits, over the age of 65 AND not in receipt of Pension Credit


Child Tax Credit with a relevant income of £16,190 or less (if you claim Child Tax Credit with a partner their income is also taken into consideration)


Income Based Job Seekers Allowance AND Disability Living Allowance (DLA) OR Personal Independence Payment (PIP) (all components)

Income Related Employment and Support Allowance AND Disability Living Allowance (DLA) OR Personal Independence Payment (PIP) (all components)

Income Support AND Disability Living Allowance (DLA) OR Personal Independence Payment (PIP) (all components)

Working Tax Credit with a relevant income of £16,190 or less AND Disability Living Allowance (DLA) OR Personal Independence Payment (PIP) (all components)

Pregnant or Medical Condition

Income Based Job Seekers Allowance AND Maternity Exception Certificate (MATEX) OR medical exemption certificate (MEDEX)

Income Related Employment and Support Allowance AND MATEX OR MEDEX Medical Exemption Certificate

14/15 Npower Broader Group Criteria – 0808 172 6999

Npower customers are eligible for the broader group if they are in receipt of:

  • Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  • Or your Gross annual household income is less than £16,190

Who also have any of the following:

  • Child Tax Credit
  • A disability premium, enhanced disability premium or severe disability premium
  • Disability Living Allowance (For an adult or child within the household)
  • Personal Independence Payments (PIP)
  • Long term Incapacity Benefit
  • In addition if anyone has Child Tax Credit that includes a disability or severe disability element, a child under five living with them, or a disabled child premium – However it is likely they are also already in receipt of Child Tax Credit.

British Gas Broader Group Criteria – 0800 072 8625
(or 0800 294 8604 if on a pre-payment meter)

British Gas has agreed that the following customers will be eligible for the broader group in 2012/13:

  • In receipt of:
    1) Income related employment and support allowance (including Support element)
    2) Income based Jobseekers’ Allowance
    3) Income Support

  • Customer household has an annual income of less than £16,190 and the account holder is living with a mental or physical disability or illness, or there is an element of vulnerability in the home, e.g.
    1) Households with children aged 5 years or under
    2) Account holder (or partner) aged 60 or over

  • Customer household has an annual income of less than £16,190 and spends 10% or more of their household annual income on fuel for adequate heating (usually 21 degrees for the main living room and 18 degrees for other occupied rooms)

NB: Applications will be accepted up until 31 December 2012


Scottish Power Broader Group Criteria – 0800 027 2700

Scottish Power domestic electricity customers who receive at least one of the following benefits will qualify for the Broader Group:

  • Income Support
  • Income Related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Income Based Jobseeker’s Allowance

Or if the following statement applies you may also qualify:

  • Your total gross household income is less than £16,190

In addition to the above you must also meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • Have a child who was under 5 on 1 April 2013 permanently living in the house (born on or after 1 April 2008)
  • Have a child entitled to free school meals
  • Receive Child Tax Credit or Working Tax Credit which includes a disability elements or severe disability element, disabled child element or severely disabled child element or family element
  • Income related benefit which includes a disabled child premium, disability premium, severe disability premium or enhanced disability premium
  • Income related benefit which includes a carers premium
  • Employment Support Allowance which includes a work related or activity component or support component
  • Receive Disability Living Allowance, Incapacity Benefit or Attendance Allowance
  • Be aged 62 or over
  • Receives exemption from NHS prescription charges

How do I know if my energy company is offering this?

The following is a list of the energy suppliers who are taking part in the Warm Home Discount scheme. You will need to have your energy supplied by one of these companies in order for you to receive the rebate:

The energy suppliers involved are: Atlantic, British Gas, Co-operative Energy, EDF Energy, E.ON, Equipower, Equigas, First Utility, Manweb, M&S Energy, Npower, Sainsbury’s Energy, Scottish Gas, Scottish Hydro, ScottishPower, Southern Electric, Scottish & Southern Energy, Swalec and Utility Warehouse.


Other Helpful Contacts

Tameside Trust – Tel: 07969642550
United Utilities Trust Fund – Tel: 0845 179 1791
Southern Water Trust Fund – Tel: 0845 270 0897
(Can assist with gas and electric arrears if with E.ON for energy supply)
Macmillan Cancer Support – Tel: 0800 500 800
SSAFA (Soldiers, Sailors Airman and Families Association) – Tel: 0845 130 0975
The British Kidney Patient Association - Tel: 0142 047 2021/2
Occupation Benevolent Fund Alliance – Tel: 0170 765 1777
Society for the Assistance of Ladies in Reduced Circumstances – Tel 0800 5874696

5. How to get help from the government with the costs of your fuel bill and energy efficiency improvements

Winter Fuel Payment

The Winter Fuel Payment is a mandatory payment made automatically to all over 60's. This is to assist with the payment of extra fuel costs in the winter months. It is paid at the start of winter, usually around late November or early December. All people over 60 should receive this payment automatically. If you do not then you should contact the Winter Fuel Helpline on 0845 915 1515. The amount that is paid by the winter fuel payment this year will be the same as last year; £200 for all people over the age of 60 and £300 for all people over the age of 80. This amount is usually worked out per household but paid per person so for example, if you live with someone else over 60 you would each receive £100.

Cold Weather Payment:

What is it? The payment is made when the average temperature is recorded as 0C (32F) or below over seven consecutive days. It is made automatically to those who qualify.

Am I eligible? You are entitled if you receive the following: pension credit or income support or income-based jobseeker's allowance and there is a child aged under five in your family

Household Energy Efficiency Improvements – Little Bill

The Council is working with all the Council’s across Greater Manchester and Greater Manchester Energy Advice to promote the Little Bill campaign. This scheme allows private householders across Tameside to make their homes more energy efficient and to take advantage of the best support and incentives that are available to do this now. It is not just for certain groups; everyone can benefit from this. To find out how to turn your big bill into a little bill you can contact Greater Manchester Energy Advice free on 0800 009 3363 

There is also support for vulnerable households if they need measures such as insulation or a new boiler. Again you can contact Greater Manchester Energy Advice on 0800 009 3363 to find out if you qualify for this support.

The Magic Boiler Scheme

Plumbing Trade Supplies (PTS) run a discount priced boiler scheme to offer boilers on their own without installation costs as well. If you find that you need to purchase a new boiler and do not qualify for the other help and support available to assist with the cost then you may wish to enquire about the Magic Boiler Scheme. The costs do not include installation so upon purchasing a boiler from them, you would need to also find an approved gas safe installer who would charge you to install the boiler in your home. This often works out cheaper than approaching one of the big energy companies for a new boiler installation which is often the first port of call for many people.

For more information on the Magic Boiler Scheme with PTS you can visit PTS Plumbing, Plumbing Trade Supplies, Plumbers Merchants | City Plumbing Link to External Website There is a full price list available on the website.

In Tameside, the local PTS depot is:

North Street Works, Katherine Street, Ashton-under-Lyne, OL6 7BA / Tel: 0161 343 1154

6. How to get help from your fuel company with the costs of your fuel bill and energy efficiency improvements

E.ON Caring Energy Fund

What is it? A scheme that aims to assist E.ON customers who are low-income households facing financial difficulty and who may not be eligible for financial help from government schemes.

The E.ON CaringEnergy Fund could offer the following assistance to successful applicants:

  • payments in full or part to cover the cost of installing cavity wall insulation and/or loft insulation.
  • payments in full or part to cover the cost of repairing or installing heating measures which in some cases could include repair of unsafe gas heating systems.
  • payments in full or part could be made to cover the cost of household appliances.

How can I apply? Telephone 0800 051 1480.

British Gas Energy Trust

What is it? The British Gas Energy Trust, which incorporates the Scottish Gas Energy Trust, gives grants to help individuals and families in need to meet arrears of energy charges and other household bills and costs. You must be a domestic customer of British Gas or Scottish Gas.
How can I apply? Telephone 01733 421021.

A winter fuel rebate is also available of up to £90 to British Gas's most vulnerable customers. Telephone 0845 601 2006.

EDF Energy Trust Fund

What is it? A charity that gives grants to people who have electricity, gas, telephone and, in some cases, other essential household bill debts. Funded by EDF, it gives grants, and financial/energy efficiency advice. You must be a domestic customer of London Energy, Seeboard Energy, Sweb Energy or EDF.

There are two types of grants. They are for:

  • individuals to cover the payment of gas and electricity debts and other essential household bills or costs
  • voluntary organisations working in the field of money advice, debt counselling or energy efficiency advice

How can I apply? Telephone 01733 333383

Npower Health Through Warmth Scheme

Health Through Warmth offers help to vulnerable people living in England and Wales who have long term illnesses and need assistance to fund and install heating and insulation in their homes.

Please visit for more information on the scheme or call 0845 070 2809.

This scheme aims to help some of the most vulnerable members of the community by funding insulation and heating measures in their homes.

Fuel Debt

Ofgem has proposed changes to suppliers’ license conditions to tighten up protection from unwarranted disconnection for certain categories of vulnerable customers in the winter. The proposed amendments would make it clear that suppliers are expected to take the initiative in checking if a customer is covered by the moratorium on disconnections in winter and, ahead of winter, they will have to reconnect any who have been cut off.

Under the moratorium, between October and March, suppliers must not disconnect customers of pensionable age who live alone, or live with persons who are of pensionable age or under the age of 18.

If you are in debt, an amount can be deducted from your benefit each week and paid over to the fuel company (mains gas or mains electricity) in instalments – usually once a quarter. This is ‘fuel direct’. In return, the fuel company agrees not to disconnect you. Deductions can be made where:

  • the amount you owe is £64.30 or more (including reconnection or disconnection charges if you have been disconnected); and
  • you continue to need the fuel supply; and
  • it is in your, or your family's, interest to have deductions made.

An amount is deducted for the fuel you use each week (your current consumption) as well as for the arrears you owe. The amount deducted for current consumption is whatever is necessary to meet your current weekly fuel costs. This is adjusted if the cost increases or decreases. Deductions for current consumption can be continued after the debt has been cleared.

Civil Legal Advice
A directory of agencies providing legal advice in your area. Check your local library or the website
Helpline 0845 3454 345

National Debtline, Helpline: 0808 808 4000 (Freephone)
Opening hours Monday – Friday 9:00am – 9:00pm Saturday 9:30am – 1:00pm

7. How to switch your fuel company

It may be worth checking to see if you can get your energy cheaper by switching supplier.

If you are on a pre-payment meter, you can still switch to a different supplier who may have a cheaper tariff available or a tariff without a standing charge. Please note that customers on pre-payment meters can also switch if they have below £500 of debt on the meters.

The process of switching

Once a new supplier has been chosen the procedure is as follows:

1. Agree a contract

A contract with the new supplier must be agreed before arrangements to supply gas or electricity can be made. The contract can be agreed either at home or over the telephone. Some suppliers will also allow the customer to sign up over the internet. The process to transfer supply from one company to another can take between three to six weeks, or longer if problems occur. The new supplier will keep the client informed of progress.

2. Cooling-off period

When any contract is signed to switch supplier there is, by law, a seven-day cooling-off period. All suppliers should phone or write to the customer to make sure it is understood that a contract has been entered into and that the customer is happy with the way the sale was made. If not, then the customer has the right to cancel the contract.

3. Tell the existing supplier

If the existing supplier is not informed of the proposed change, they may block the transfer. This can be done in writing and many companies will also allow this to be done by telephone. NB. There may be circumstances where the existing supplier can prevent switching to a new supplier – this normally occurs where there is an existing fuel debt and the current supplier insists that this debt be recovered before a transfer will be allowed.

4. Pay any outstanding bills

Any outstanding bills with the existing supplier should be paid, otherwise the supplier may block the transfer. Any Direct Debits or Standing Orders set up to pay your existing supplier should be cancelled.

5. Take a meter reading

The new supplier will read the meter (or ask for a customer reading) around the time of the switch. The old supplier will use the meter reading to work out the final bill and the new supplier will use it to start the new account. A note should be kept of the reading in case of any future dispute

8. How to make a complaint about your fuel company

In the first instance, contact your fuel company. If you are not satisfied with their response, call the Consumer Direct helpline: 0845 4 04 05 06. Consumer Focus is a consumer advocacy body with responsibility for consumer issues. It provides specialist support and information on all consumer issues, including fuel issues. It can investigate any problem which affects consumers generally, whether or not a complaint has been made..

9. Useful contact numbers

Independent Advice Agencies in Tameside
Advice about debt and benefits:
Tameside CAB General Advice Tel No: 0161 330 2156

Advice about benefits only:
Disability Information and Advice Line: 0161 834 6069
Age Concern: 0161 308 5000 or 0800 009966 Link to External Website
Tameside Council Welfare Rights: 0800 074 9985 or go to Link to External Website

Consumer and Advice Helplines
Consumer Direct: 0845 4 04 05 06
Civil Legal Advice: 0845 345 4345 
Energy Supply Ombudsman: 0845 055 0760
National Debt Line: 0808 808 4000 
Help the Aged: 020 7278 1114 Link to External Website

Helplines for Fuel Bills and Energy Efficiency
Home Heat Helpline: 0800 33 66 99 
Greater Manchester Energy Advice Service 0800 009 3363
Warm Front – General Enquiries: 0800 316 6011
Warm Front – Benefit Entitlement Check: 0800 072 9006

Index of Fuel Companies

British Gas Link to External Website

  • General: 0845 600 5122 [ for gas and electric supplies]
  • British Gas debt team provide a combination of practical support and advice to help customers who are having problems paying for their gas and electricity. You can contact the debt team: 0800 048 0404
  • Further help in managing your finances can be found in the British Gas budget planner and Ways to Pay booklets.
  • Social Tariff: 0845 850 2207 Priority Service Register/Home energy care 0800 072 8625.

EDF Link to External Website

  • General: 0800 085 0000
  • Social Tariff: 0800 269 450 Priority Service Register: 0845 850 2207

E.ON (formerly Powergen) Link to External Website

  • General: 0800 056 3856 [age concern deal 0500 240 500]
  • Social Tariff: 0845 303 3060 Priority Service Register: 0800 051 1480


  • General: 0845 120 1453 [gas 0845 790 6050 :electric 0845 714 5146]
  • Social Tariff: 0800 975 1373 Priority Service Register: 0800 316 2607
  • • E-mail:

Utilita Services Limited

  • Energy supplier focusing on energy reductions/green energy
  • General: 0845 450 4387

Spark Energy

  • General: 0845 869 4002

Country Wide Farmers Link to External Website 

  • Energy suppliers for farming and rural communities.
  • General: 0800 328 0011

Ecotricity Link to External Website

  • Energy suppliers dedicated to providing renewable energy
  • General Domestic: 0845 555 7100

Scottish and Southern Link to External Website

  • General: 0800 052 5252 [gas 0845 758 5401 and electricity 0845 270 0700] 4555
  • Social Tariff: 0800 622 838 Priority Service Register: 0800 622 838

Scottish Power Link to External Website

  • General: 0845 270 0700
  • Social Tariff: 0845 270 0700 Priority Service Register: 0845 270 0700
  • Extra Help for Vulnerable Customers: A variety of help and support measures for customers who may be in fuel poverty:
    • Winter Care Rebate Scheme – for customers who are having difficulty with fuel bills. This can be a rebate of up to £50 per account.
    • Energyplus Care – Social tariff as detailed previously in section 4.
    • Careline – Free helpline offering advice and services such as special meter readings and free gas safety checks 0800 622 838.
    • Free or subsidised insulation – Free insulation measures for householders in receipt of qualifying benefits.
    • Energy Efficiency Advice – Speak to Energy Efficiency Advisors via Energyline 0800 072 7201.
    • Fridgesavers – Offers either free A rated fridge or £50 towards A rated fridge/freezer to Energyplus Care customers.

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