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 Assets of Community Value

Under section Chapter 3 of the Localism Act 2011 we are required to maintain two lists, one lists assets of community value and the other a list unsuccessful community nominations. The current lists can be viewed below or can be downloaded as a PDF here. Link to Adobe PDF file or as a Word doc here. Microsoft Word Document

Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council Register of Assets of Community Value

Index of all applications

Reference NumberPropertyComment
CA1land at the corner of Hulme Road and Windsor Road, Denton comprising of the former Denton West End LibraryProperty listed 17/02/2012. Notice of disposal received 17/02/2012 and notice to be treated as a bidder received. Property disposed to Community Interest Group on 28/06/2013 and removed from list under regulation 2(b) of the Assets of Community Value (England)
Regulations 2012.

Executive Decision Notice
CA2Land known as Market Place bounded by Stamford Street, Market Street - Formerly the Mossley Market Ground and now used as an informal car park.Property listed 10/09/2014. Notice of disposal received 12/10/2012.

Executive Decision Notice 
CA3The Chapel House Public House Stockport Road DentonProperty listed 03/10/2016.
Executive Decision Notice
CA4The Gun Inn Public House Market Street HollingworthProperty listed 03/10/2016.

Executive Decision Notice
CA5Dane Bank Angling Club on Windsor Park in DentonProperty entered onto the register of unsuccessful community nominations on 12/04/17

Executive Decision
CA6Denton West Cricket Club on Windsor Park, DentonProperty entered onto the register of Assets of Community Value on 12/04/17

Executive Decision 
CA7Denton West End Football Club on Windsor Park, DentonProperty entered onto the register of Assets of Community Value on 12/04/17

Executive Decision   
CA8Horse Grazing Field on Windsor Park in DentonProperty entered onto the register of unsuccessful community nominations on 12/04/17

Executive Decision   
CA9High School and Playing Field at Two Trees, Haughton Green, DentonProperty entered onto the register of unsuccessful community nominations on 21/06/17

Executive Decision
CA10Amenity Land and Car Park at Spring Street, MossleyNomination withdrawn on 13/06/17
CA11Land on the north side of Catherine Street West

Property entered onto the register of Assets of Community Value on 15/08/17

Executive Decision
Bundle (Redacted)
CA12Land at Montague Road and Douglas Street, Ashton-under-LyneNomination received 3 July 2017. The Council has not yet received sufficient information to be satisfied that the nominator is a voluntary or community body with a local connection as defined by Regulations 4 and 5 of the Assets of Community Value (England) Regulations 2012/2421. When the Council receives information from the nominator so that it can be satisfied, the nomination will be treated as a community nomination at that time and will be determined within the 8 week statutory period.
CA13Land at Hutton Avenue, Ashton-under-LyneNomination received 3 July 2017. The Council has not yet received sufficient information to be satisfied that the nominator is a voluntary or community body with a local connection as defined by Regulations 4 and 5 of the Assets of Community Value (England) Regulations 2012/2421. When the Council receives information from the nominator so that it can be satisfied, the nomination will be treated as a community nomination at that time and will be determined within the 8 week statutory period.
CA14Land north of Lindisfarne Road, Ashton-under-LyneNomination received 3 July 2017. The Council has not yet received sufficient information to be satisfied that the nominator is a voluntary or community body with a local connection as defined by Regulations 4 and 5 of the Assets of Community Value (England) Regulations 2012/2421. When the Council receives information from the nominator so that it can be satisfied, the nomination will be treated as a community nomination at that time and will be determined within the 8 week statutory period.
CA15Dane Bank Angling Club at Windsor Park, DentonNomination received 5 July 2017. The Council has not yet received sufficient information to be satisfied that the nominator is a voluntary or community body with a local connection as defined by Regulations 4 and 5 of the Assets of Community Value (England) Regulations 2012/2421. When the Council receives information from the nominator so that it can be satisfied, the nomination will be treated as a community nomination at that time and will be determined within the 8 week statutory period.
CA16Landscaped area and car park at Spring Street, Mossley.Property entered onto the register of Assets of Community Value on 04/11/17.
257185 - Bundle  Nomination_ 18 Oct 2017 12 24 54
CA17Land at Greaves Street and Cross Street MossleyProperty entered onto the register of Assets of Community Value on 06/01/18.
293180 - CA17 Land at Greaves Street and Cross Street ACV 06.01.18
CA17 Bundle

Part of the Property removed from the register of Assets of Community Value on 16/11/2021
CA18Land to the East end of Fairfield Moravian Settlement bordered by Ashton Canal DroylsdenListing on the register of Assets of Community Value expired on 29 May 2023. See Ref CA25
CA20The Penny Farthing, St. Anne’s Road, DentonNomination withdrawn on 30/04/2019
CA21The Godley Hall Inn, Godley Hill, HydeProperty removed from the register of Assets of Community Value on 30/09/2021
CA22Land north of Lindisfarme Road, Ashton-Under-LyneProperty entered onto the register of Unsuccessful Nominations on 23/12/2020 except for the part of the land which is being left undeveloped in accordance with planning reference 18/00119/FUL referred to as the ‘Undeveloped Land.’  The Undeveloped Land entered onto the register of Assets of Community Value on 23/12/2020
CA23Broadbottom Station Shelter, Broadbottom, HydeProperty entered onto the register of Unsuccessful Nominations on 12/07/2021
CA24Harewood Arms, BroadbottomProperty entered onto the register of Assets of Community Value on 27/07/24 Decision - NOMINATION OF HAREWOOD ARMS, 2 MARKET STREET, BROADBOTTOM, HYDE, SK14 6AX AS AN ASSET OF COMMUNITY VALUE (CA24) (
CA25Land to the East end of Fairfield Moravian Settlement bordered by Ashton Canal DroylsdenProperty (excluding the parts which are used as private residential garden) entered onto the register of Assets of Community Value effective from 29 May 2023.


Part One – Register of Approved Applications

Ref NoAddressDate entered on registerDate register entry expires
 (5 years from date on register)
Date notification of
 disposal received
End of interim moratorium period
 (6 weeks from notification of
 disposal date)
End of full moratorium period (6 months from notification of disposal date)Full moratorium triggered
 (No/Yes – Date)
Protected period
 (18 months from notification of
 disposal date)
Land known as Market Place bounded by Stamford Street, Market Street and Chapel Street - Formerly the Mossley Market ground and now used as an informal car park.









The Chapel House Public House Stockport Road Denton









The Gun Inn Public House Market Street Hollingworth








CA6Denton West Cricket Club on Windsor Park, Denton








CA7Denton West End Football Club on Windsor Park, Denton








CA11Land on the north side of Catherine Street West, Denton, Manchester







22.03.2021 to 22.09.2022


Landscaped area and car park at Spring Street, Mossley.



04.12.201715.01.201804.06.2018Yes, 02.01.201804.12.2017 to 04.06.2019


Land at Greaves Street and Cross Street Mossley



05.11.2021 in respect of the part of the land shown coloured pink on the Plan Link to Adobe PDF file17.12.2021 in respect of the part of the land shown coloured pink on the Plan Link to Adobe PDF file

05.05.2022 in respect of the part of the land shown coloured pink on the Plan Link to Adobe PDF file

Yes, 09.12.2021
05.11.2021 to 05.05.2023 in respect of the part of the land shown coloured pink on the Plan Link to Adobe PDF file
CA22Land north of Lindisfarme Road, Ashton-Under-Lyne referred to as retained open space  and shown shaded green and hatched on the Site Plan (the ‘Undeveloped Land’)23.12.202023.12.2025 07.08.24 18.09.24 07.02.25  
Harewood Arms, 2 Market Street, Broadbottom

CA25Land to the east end of Fairfield Moravian Settlement, Droylsden29.05.202329.05.2028     

Part Two – Register of Unsuccessful Applications

Ref NoAddressDate of ApplicationReason for RefusalDate Register Entry Expires
CA5Dane Bank Angling Club on Windsor Park in Denton16.12.2016

The Council could not be of the opinion that the land was land of community value as defined by either s88(1) or (2) of the Localism Act 2011

CA8Horse Grazing Field on Windsor Park in Denton16.12.2016

The Council could not be of the opinion that the land was land of community value as defined by either s88(1) or (2) of the Localism Act 2011

CA9High School and Playing Field at Two Trees, Haughton Green, Denton18.04.2017The Council could not be of the opinion that the land was land of community value as defined by either s88(1) or (2) of the Localism Act 2011 

Private residential garden land at the East end of Fairfield Moravian Settlement, Droylsden

05.01.2018The Council could not be of the opinion that the land was land of community value as defined by either s88(1) or (2) of the Localism Act 2011. 
CA22Land north of Lindisfarme Road, Ashton-Under-Lyne (except for the Undeveloped Land)04.11.2020The Council could not be of the opinion that the land was land of community value as defined by either s88(1) or (2) of the Localism Act 2011. 
CA23Broadbottom Station Shelter, Broadbottom, Hyde16.02.2021The Council could not be of the opinion that the land was land of community value as defined by either Section 88(1) or (2) of the Localism Act 2011. 
CA25Private residential garden land at the East end of Fairfield Moravian Settlement, Droylsden26.01.2023The Council could not be of the opinion that the land was land of community value as defined by either s88(1) or (2) of the Localism Act 2011. 


When is an Asset of Community Value?

An asset will be of community value if in our opinion:-

  • A recent or current main use of the land or building furthers the social wellbeing or social interests of the local community, and
  • it is realistic to think that it can continue to be used (or it is realistic to think that there is a time in the next five years it will be used) in a way which furthers the social wellbeing or social interests of the local community. This use does not have to be the same as the previous use.

Can anyone nominate an asset?

Bodies eligible to nominate an asset are as follows:

  • Parish Council
  • Neighbourhood forum (Section 61F Town and Country Planning Act 1990)
  • Unincorporated Body (a local voluntary or community group that is not incorporated but has at least 21 members who are locally registered to vote)
  • Community Interest Group - local voluntary or community group that is incorporated – this means it has a separate legal status from its members and is non profit distributing (e.g. Charity, Community Interest Company, Company Limited by Guarantee, Industrial Provident Society

How do I nominate an Asset?

A nomination must be in writing to Executive Director – Governance (Borough Solicitor) at Council Offices Dukinfield Town Hall King Street Dukinfield SK16 4LA

  1. a description of the nominated land including its proposed boundaries;
  2. a statement of all the information you know about -
    1. the names of current occupants of the land, and
    2. the names and current or last-known addresses of all those holding a freehold or leasehold estate in the land;
  3. your reasons for thinking why we should conclude that the land is of community value; and
  4. evidence that you are eligible to make a community nomination.

The attached nomination form can be used for this purpose

What happens once I make a community nomination?

Once we receive a community nomination we will consider it the earliest opportunity and no later than 8 weeks from receipt. If we need further information we will contact you.

Upon receipt of a nomination we will inform the owner(s) of the property (freehold and leasehold interests) and of any occupier that we are aware of who will be able to make representations to us.

If your nomination is accepted we will notify you in writing. The property will be added to the list of assets of community value. We will also notify the owner and any occupier (if different) that the property has been added to the list.

If your application is unsuccessful, we will write to you telling you why your nomination has not been accepted. Your nomination will be added to the list of unsuccessful community nominations.

What happens if land or buildings I own is listed?

If you receive notice from us in writing that your property has been added to the list, you have a right to ask the Council to review its decision. To do this you must make a request within 8 weeks of notification. We will review our decision. The outcome will be either:-

  1. We agree that the land should not have been added to the list and will remove it. We will write to you and the body who made the nomination with our reasons;
  2. We uphold our decision. If you still disagree with our decision you have a right of appeal to the First-Tier Tribunal Link to External Website.

What is the effect of land or buildings I own being listed?

If your property is included on the list of assets of community value, we will place a restriction on the title to your property to that effect.

If you wish to sell the property, you must notify us in writing of your intention and you cannot proceed with any disposal (subject to a few exceptions) without the Council having giving notice of your intentions and asking any community interest group whether they wish to be treated as a bidder.

A community interest group must be one of the following:-

  • a charity;
  • a company limited by guarantee which does not distribute any surplus it makes to its members;
  • an industrial and provident society which does not distribute any surplus it makes to its members; or
  • a community interest company

There will be an initial moratorium period of 6 weeks from when we serve notice during which time you cannot sell the property. If a community interest group declares an intention to be treated as a bidder a full moratorium period of 6 months will apply. If not, you may proceed with the sale of your property.

There is no requirement under the Localism Act 2011 to compel you to sell your property at less than market value or to a community interest company. The purpose of the legislation is to enable interested community interest groups the time and opportunity to prepare a bid.

Further Information

General information on the provisions relating to the Assets of Community Value provision can be found on the Department for Communities and Local Government website which also provides a link to the Localism Act 2011. Link to External Website

The statutory regulations which accompany and clarify the legislation can be found on the following website. Link to External Website

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