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Professionals Adult Safeguarding Referral

Making a formal Adult Safeguarding referral:

For a partner professional a formal adult safeguarding referral will be required; please complete this using the link below.

Once completed this will be received by the appropriate team who will ensure that it’s dealt with as quickly as possible by the most appropriate enquiry officer. The enquiry officer will begin the information gathering stage identifying what measures have been put in place to protect the adult and mitigate risk, determine appropriate action required and will make a determination as to whether Section 42 criteria applies.

Where the issues being raised are time critical and emergency protection measures may be required, the local authority should be contacted directly. You can make contact either via the appropriate social care team or via the gateway on 0161 922 4888 who will direct you to the appropriate team. An Adult Safeguarding referral will still be required and should follow as soon as possible.
If you have an emergency outside of office hours, the out of hours team can be contacted on 0161 342 2222.

Raising an Adult Safeguarding referral checklist:

If you have information that an adult at risk is potentially experiencing abuse or neglect, it is useful to consider the following checklist:

Information required: Have you gathered enough information to raise the referral?
  • Personal details.
  • What is the nature of abuse/potential abuse?
  • Does the person have care and support needs?
  • What does the adult at risk want to happen?
  • Person’s individual circumstances which may impact/increase risk.

Immediate safety
Does the person need emergency medical treatment or the police to attend urgently? If so call 999.

Has a crime been committed? Call 101 if non-emergency. Consider and seek advice from the police about preserving evidence.

Have you documented the concern/incident and all actions taken?

Have you provided support and reassurance to the adult at risk or others?

Contacting emergency services:
It is important to ensure the safety of an adult at risk when you are raising a concern, such as the need for emergency medical treatment or police intervention if a crime is taking place. Criminal offences of a sexual nature will require expert advice from the police. Where an adult is at risk of abuse and neglect consideration should be given as to whether a crime has occurred. If it’s considered a crime has or may have occurred this should be referred to the police immediately and separately to the raising of the Adult Safeguarding referral.

Preserving Evidence:
If the police are contacted, it is important that forensic and other evidence is not contaminated or lost. Advice should be sought from the police about how to preserve evidence in specific situations. Evidence may be present even it cannot be seen, therefore precautions should be taken, such as;
  • Do not disturb the scene or move any evidence where possible.
  • Secure the scene where the incident took place.
  • Keep any documents, containers as potential evidence.

Guidance for Health, social care and related providers:
It is the responsibility of any individual or organisation who is affiliated to Tameside Safeguarding Adults Board to take action if they suspect abuse or neglect of an adult subject to the safeguarding concern.
By completing and submitting this form, you are agreeing that any information contained in this referral can be shared with other appropriate council employees in accordance with the Data protection act. 

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