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Business Rates - Freedom of Information Requests

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 the Business Rates Department must provide information held by, or on behalf of Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council in respect of Non-Domestic Rates (NNDR). As we frequently receive requests for similar information, we have acknowledged the public need for the data.

In the table below we have generated some reports, which may assist those seeking information. If you have any queries regarding the data, please contact:

As the records the Council holds are subject to the Data Protection Act 1998, we will not provide data relating to individuals. All information will therefore be in respect of Companies only. Where we consider the information to be exempt for any other reason, no records will be provided.

Please note:


We frequently receive FOI requests regarding

•             If hereditaments are occupied or vacant

•             Occupied / Vacant

•             Date of Occupation/vacancy


Most requests for this information are exempt from disclosure under Section 31: Law enforcement of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.


Section 31(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act 200 states:

“ Information which is not exempt information by virtue of section 30 is exempt information if its disclosure under this Act would, or would be likely to, prejudice -  

 (a) the prevention or detection of crime” 


This exemption applies where a request for information in respect of vacant commercial properties has been made and the disclosure of that information could lead to buildings being targeted by 

•             squatters, 

•             persons intent on the theft of fixtures and fittings,

•             criminals, terrorists,

•             vandals or street artists. 


The Council will take into account the Information Tribunal Case No. EA/2011/0007 ('the Camden case'), in which the Tribunal noted that there is an inherent public interest in crime prevention and that the combined factors in favour of maintaining the exemption contributed very considerable weight to the public interest in withholding the information.'


Where a request for information is received, the Council is obliged to consider the public interest test prior to releasing any information, giving consideration to the fact that under the FOI Act any information disclosed under this legislation is disclosure to the general public.


No Small Business Rates Relief (SBRR) CSV fileAll liabilities with qualifying rateable values and no current award for Small Business Rates ReliefEvery 3 months (March, June, September, December)
Company’s Currently Liable for National Non-Domestic Rates (NNDR)CSV fileAll Liabilities for National Non Domestic RatesEvery 3 months (March, June, September, December)
Mandatory and Discretionary Rate Relief (DRR) CSV fileA list of all Registered Charities, Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) and Not for Profit Organisations in receipt of Mandatory and/or Discretionary Rate Relief.Every 3 months (March, June, September, December)
Small Business Rates Relief (SBRR) CSV fileAll liabilities currently in receipt of Small Business Rates Relief.Every 3 months (March, June, September, December)
Companies with a credit balance CSV fileCompanies with a credit balance for National Non Domestic Rates from 1 April 2018Annually (May)