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Universal Credit Pathfinder Eligibility

The criteria for claiming Universal Credit during the Pathfinder is as follows:

  1. Where you live - Pathfinder only covers certain geographical areas. Claimants living outside of the following post code areas cannot claim Universal Credit.
    • OL6
    • OL7
    • M43
    • SK16
  2. Personal Circumstances - To claim Universal Credit the claimant must
    • be single
    • be a GB national and normally resident in GB
    • have a valid NINO (excludes temporary NINOs)
    • be between 18 years old and 1 year from State Pension Credit age
    • have a bank or building society account or Post Office Card Account
    • not be homeless or in supported accommodation
    • not own their own home (including part ownership)
    • not have more than £6000 in Savings and Capital
    • not be pregnant;
    • not have given birth within the last 15 weeks
    • not have responsibility for children (including adopting or fostering a child) or provide care for any other person
    • not be required by the Child Maintenance Enforcement Commission (CMEC) to pay child maintenance
    • not have a fit note (unless Work Capability Assessment [WCA] confirmed found fit for work)
    • not be in a period of self-certification awaiting a fit note
    • not be making the claim through a Personal Acting Body (PAB)/Corporate Acting Body (CAB)
  3. Current Benefit Status - A claim to Universal Credit cannot be made if the claimant is entitled to or waiting to hear about a claim to or is waiting to hear about an Appeal or Reconsideration for any of the following benefits:
    • Job Seekers Allowance (JSA)*
    • Employment Support Allowance (ESA)
    • Income Support (IS)
    • Incapacity Benefit (IB)
    • Working Tax Credit (WTC)
    • Child Tax Credit (CTC)
    • Housing Benefit (HB)

* For JSA only, the claimant must also have left old style JSA more than two weeks ago to claim Universal Credit during Pathfinder.

Disability Benefits - To claim Universal Credit the claimant must not be entitled to Disability Living Allowance (DLA), Personal Independence Payment (PIP) or Carers Allowance (CA).

Claim Universal Credit online at Link to External Website

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